Translation of the song Cançó del dubte artist Manel
Cançó del dubte
Doubt song
Una veu li preguntava “què seràs quan siguis gran?”,
A voice asked her What will you be when you grow up?
la meva amiga callava i somreia cap avall.
my friend said nothing and smiled looking down.
Qui tornés a aquella tarda a prendre foc
Who could turn back time to that afternoon and set fire
i aturar-la just a punt de dubtar per primer cop!
and stop her when she doubts for the first time!
Quan el pare preguntava “quina feina trobaràs?”,
When the dad asked What job will you find?
la meva amiga, rabiosa, intentava no plorar
my friend, enraged, tried not to cry
i el cervell jove repassava les opcions
and her young brain went through the options
i tenia els ulls cansats de mirar en tots els racons
and had her eyes tired of looking in every corner
però, en mirar-lo, el camí no diu si vas a la glòria o al fracàs.
but, looking at it, the path doesn't say if you're going towards glory or failure.
I sortíem a les nits,
And we went out at night
“va, demà ho farem millor”,
C'mon, tomorrow we'll do it better
mentre el dubte ens observava.
While doubt observed us.
I sentíem créixer dins
And we felt something growing in us
gairebé una decisió
almost a decision
però era el dubte que jugava
but doubt played with us
amb tot allò que era bo,
with everything that was good,
amb tot allò que era bo.
with everything that was good.
Si un bon noi li preguntava què collons volia que fes,
If a good guy asked her what she wanted to do,
la meva amiga dubtava i s’arrambava contra ell
my friend doubted and pulled in to him
i s’adormia prometent-se que demà
and went to sleep promising herself that tomorrow
sabria estar contenta al seu costat.
she would know how to be happy next to him.
Desgraciats si sabeu el gust que fan els petons que fem dubtant!
Fools if you know how good kisses are when you give them hesitantly!
T’has quedat mirant un prat
You're staring at a field
esperant que neixin flors
waiting for it to grow flowers
mentre el dubte les matava.
while doubt kills them.
T’has quedat tota la nit
You've stayed up all night
observant com dorm un cos
observing how a body sleeps
mentre el dubte reclamava
while doubt reclaimed
tot allò que era bo.
everything that was good
Tot allò que era bo.
Everything that was good.
Ha passat a mig matí,
She came over mid morning
m’ha tocat amb unes mans
she touched me with hands
plenes d’ungles despintades.
with no painted nails.
No tenia gaire temps,
She didn't have much time,
però passava pel veïnat
but she was passing by the neighborhood
i em volia dir que ara
and she wanted to tell me that now
ho té molt clar.
all her doubts are gone.
La meva amiga diu que ho té molt clar!
My friend says that all heer doubts are gone!