Translation of the song Captatio benevolentiae artist Manel


Captatio benevolentiae

English translation

Captatio benevolentiae

Provem d'encaixar en escenes boniques,

We try to fit in beautiful scenes

en ports de diumenge farcits de gavines,

in sunday marinas, full of seagulls,

en grans sobretaules on els avis canten,

in big after-lunch conversations where grandpas sing

en nits vora el foc abraçats a una manta.

in nights near the fire, holding a blanket.

Es tracta de ser els simpàtics del barri,

It's about being the lovely guys of the neighbourhood,

els que ballen i ballen fins que els músics parin

the ones who dance and dance, until musicians stop playing,

i irrompre arrogants lluint les millors gales

and bursting, arrogant, showing our best vests

en discos amb dones amb feines estables.

into discos with women with steady jobs.

I, a vegades, ens en sortim.

And sometimes, we get it

I, a vegades, ens en sortim.

And sometimes, we get it

I, a vegades, una tonteria de sobte ens indica que ens en sortim.

And sometimes, a stupid thing suddenly indicates we get it

I, a vegades, una carambola de sobte ens demostra que ens en sortim.

And sometimes, a carom suddenly demonstrates we get it.

Busquem quedar bé en el retaule magnífic

We try to look good in the magnificient altarpiece,

dels que van pel món amb posat monolític

of those who turn around with monolithic composure

i afronten la vida mirant-la a la cara

and face life looking directly at it

i un dia, contents, compren flors a sa mare.

and one day, happy, they buy flowers to their mother.

Intentem trampejar per ser persones dignes,

We try to struggle along, to be honorable people,

el pare modèlic que volen les filles,

the model father that daughters want,

el de la veu greu, el de la mà forta,

the one with deep voice, the one with strong hand,

que paga un vermut i que arregla una porta.

who pays a vermouth and who fixes a door.

I després tancar els ulls i sentir el món en calma

And then closing the eyes and feeling the world, quiet,

hi ha dos ocellets fent piu-piu dalt d'un arbre

and two little birds tweeting on the top of a tree

havent enllestit un gran epitafi

having finished a great epitaph

que arrenqui somriures a tots els que passin

that will make smile all the passers-by.

I, a vegades, ens en sortim.

And sometimes, we get it

I, a vegades, ens en sortim.

And sometimes, we get it

I, a vegades, una tonteria de sobte ens indica que ens en sortim.

And sometimes, a stupid thing suddenly indicates we get it

I, a vegades, una carambola de sobte ens demostren que ens en sortim.

And sometimes, a carom suddenly demonstrates we get it.

I, a vegades, ens en sortim.

And sometimes, we get it

I, a vegades, ens en sortim.

And sometimes, we get it

I, a vegades, una tonteria de sobte ens indica que ens en sortim.

And sometimes, a stupid thing suddenly indicates we get it

I, a vegades, se'ns baixa la verge i de sobte ens revela que ens en sortim.

And sometimes, the virgin comes down and suddenly reveals us that we get it

I, a vegades, contra tot pronòstic una gran bestiesa capgira allò que crèiem lògic,

And sometimes, against the odds, a really silly thing, turns upside down everything we thought was logical

tot fent evident,

thus making obvious

que per un moment,

that for a moment

ens en sortim.

we get it.

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