Translation of the song Ceràmiques Guzmán artist Manel


Ceràmiques Guzmán

English translation

Pottery shop Guzmán

No esperava una noia tan bonica,

I wasn't expecting such a nice girl

darrere d'aquest taulell.

at the other side of this counter.

El teu estil em fascina.

I'm fascinated by your style,

On has estat tot aquest temps?

where have you been all this time?

I aprofitaré, ara que et gires,

And now that you turn I'll take advantadge of it,

per donar gràcies al cel,

and I will thank God

i per passar-te revista,

and I will scan you,

dels talons fins els cabells.

from the heels to the hair.

No t'espantis però, ara, voldria dir-te,

And don't freak out, but I would like to tell you,

que ho ets tot per mi i que jo puc ser tot teu.

that you are everything for me , that I can be yours.

vull sentir-te explicar la teva vida,

I want to hear you telling me your life

els teus somnis i els teus grans secrets.

your dreams and your big secrets.

I tornes i em dediques el més gran dels teus somriures,

And you come back and you give me the greatest of your smiles

i emboliques el paquet,

and you wrap up the parcel,

i les teves mans expertes,

and your expert hands,

l'adornen amb un llacet.

decorate it with a little bow.

I congelo el moment quan les nostres mans es creuen,

And I freeze the moment when out hands touch

en intercanviar el bitllet,

while exchanging the note,

però els teus ulls estan nerviosos,

but your eyes look nervous,

has d'atendre altres clients.

you have to take care of other customers.

Però, si dubtes, podries atrevir-te

But if you have doubts you could dare,

a sortir amb mi per fer un cigarret.

to go out with me and smoke a cigarrette

Per si penses que podria servir-te,

if it can be useful for you

jo m'esperaré per aquí encara algun temps.

I'll wait here still for some time.

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