Translation of the song Dona estrangera artist Manel


Dona estrangera

English translation

Ms. Foreigner

El teu avi tenia un bigoti llarg i blanc,

Your grandfather had a long, white mustache,

i el sucava en cervesa tèbia en tavernes dels Alps.

and dipped it in tepid beer in taverns in the Alps.

Pels matins les teves tietes baixen a banyar-se,

In the mornings, your aunts go down to bathe

a una platja escenari de la Segona Guerra Mundial.

at a scenic beach from World War II

Dona estrangera,

Ms. Foreigner,

com em veuen els teus ulls?

How do your eyes see me?

Ton pare destil·la prunes i les deixa fermentar,

Your father peels plums and leaves them to ferment,

i en fires exsoviètiques ven licor de vuitanta graus.

and in former Soviet fairs sells liquor of 80 degrees.

Al jardí la teva àvia vesteix kimono blanc,

In the yard, your grandmother wears a white kimono,

mentre el sol vermell es pon entre les branques d'un bonsai.

while the red sun shines between the branches of a bonsai.

Dona estrangera,

Ms. Foreigner,

com em veuen els teus ulls?

How do your eyes see me?

Dona estrangera.

Ms. Foreigner.

Mentre ballem em mullen les aigües del Rin,

While we dance, the waters of the Rhine splash me,

entro amb un tanc rus a Berlín,

I enter with a Russian tank into Berlin,

m'espanta el teu passat víking.

Your viking past startles me.

Mentre ens besem entre copes d'arbres gegants,

While we kiss between the gigantic treetops,

ta mare resa a déus estranys,

Your mother prays to foreign gods,

ton pare educa uns elefants.

Your father educates some elephants.

Quan fem l'amor dos-cents dansaires otomans,

When we make love, two-hundred Ottoman dancers,

giren contents al meu voltant,

Revolve contently around me,

somriuen i piquen de mans.

Smile and snap their hands.

I ens abracem I pujo en un tramvia groc,

And we hug and I board the yellow tram.

passejo entre obres del Barroc,

I travel between Baroque works,

em perdo en la Terra del Foc.

I get lost in the Land of Fire.

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