Translation of the song El 25 de gener artist Manel


El 25 de gener

English translation

The 25th of January

Segons els pastors de l'últim poble

According to the shepherd from the last village,

darrera els horts veurien uns pins,

behind the orchards they would see some pine trees;

passats aquells pins el camp d'oliveres

passing those trees, they’d see a field of olive trees

i, al fons, tres camins.

and, further on, three roads.

Han pres el trencall i s'ha obert la clariana

They followed the path and there opened a clearing,

i han ordenat als homes descans.

and they ordered the men to take a rest.

Al camp d'oliveres tres reis s'acomiaden

In the field of olive trees the three kings bid farewell

i encaixen les mans.

and they shake hands.

Melcior aixeca el cap i veu la muntanya

Melchior raises his head and sees a mountain

que abans que enfosqueixi ha d'estar travessant

that he should cross before it gets dark;

i es treu la suor amb el coll de la capa

he wipes off sweat with the collar of his cloak

tacada de fang.

stained with mud.

I no vol ni pensar que les forces s'acaben

He doesn’t even want to think that he’s worn-out

i ni us imagineu com s'emprenya quan,

and you cannot even imagine how angry he gets when,

en beure en el riu, només troba la cara

drinking water from the river, he only sees a face

d'un home gran.

of an old man.

El rei dóna l'ordre pel toc de corneta

With a blow of his horn the king gives the order,

pensant en aquells que, no fa pas tant,

thinking about those who, not long ago,

li besaven l'escut i entregaven les armes

were kissing his shield and, on their knees,


were laying down the weapons.

Des de dalt del camell fot un crit el rei negre,

Seated on a camel, the black king shouts out

que faci el favor algun bon soldat

that some good soldier should do him a favour,

d'aixecar el cul de terra i fer un ràpid recompte

move his ass and make a quick count

de racions de pa.

of rations of bread.

Qui pogués creuar el bosc i trobés una barca!

Let someone cross the forest and find a boat!

Qui abans d'adormir-se amb el braç estirat

Let someone, before falling asleep with his arm outstretched,

notés com els dits mica en mica retallen

notice how his fingers, little by little, cut through

l'aigua del mar!

the water of the sea!

Qui arribés a palau i triés una dona,

Let someone go to the palace and select a woman,

arranqués unes roses i li allargués un ram!

pick some roses and give her a bouquet!

Baltasar té el desig corrent per les venes

Balthazar feels desire run through his veins

com si fos sang.

as if it were blood.

Gaspar pot sentir clavats a l'espatlla

Caspar feels, as if nailed to his shoulders,

els ulls d'alguns patges que estan esperant

the eyes of some page-boys who are waiting

un cop d'atenció, potser una mà alçada,

for a moment of attention, maybe a hand raised,

una ordre reial.

a royal command.

Un dels homes canta enmig d'una rotllana

One of the men sings in the middle of the circle,

amb la veu més dolça que hagueu sentit mai

in the sweetest voice you’ve ever heard,

una cançó antiga que el rei taral·leja

an old song that the king hums

amb els llavis tancats.

with his lips closed.

El patge més vell es gira i comenta

The eldest page-boy turns round and comments,

mirant un segon de reüll cap al cel

giving a quick, furtive glance at the sky:

sembla mentida que bé que vivíem

It’s hard to believe how well we lived

seguint un estel.

when we followed a star.

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