Translation of the song Els entusiasmats artist Manel


Els entusiasmats

English translation

The excited ones

Aquí volem viure entusiasmats,

Here we want to live excited

aquí prenem focs que ens incendiïn la sensibilitat.

Here we start fires which set that feeling alight

Aquí triem viure entusiasmats,

Here we choose to live excited

aquí prenem focs que ens incendiïn la sensibilitat.

Here we start fires which set that feeling alight

Algunes nits el Parc de l’Escorxador s’omplia d’ombres, hi havia guerra

On some nights, the Parc de l’Escorxador1 used to fill with shadows, there was a war

contra els tristos del Putxet i els sarcàstics de Badal, contra els vençuts de La Creueta.

against the sad people of El Putxet and the sarcastic people of Badal, against the losing side from La Creueta2.

Jo era un cínic d’Horta amb rang, donava ordres a la rereguarda

I was a highly-ranked cynic from Horta, I was giving orders from the rear

quan un cotxe va frenar i aquells desconeguts van rodejar-me.

when a car braked and some strangers surrounded me.

Em van emmordassar i el que manava més va dir, portem unes paraules,

They gagged me and the one who was in charge said, we bring a few words,

no són uns manaments, ni els articles de cap llei; les sents per dins, no les acates.

they're not an order, nor are they articles of some law; you feel them within, you don't obey them.

Les hem vist convèncer les persones més a lloc i les més espatllades

They have been seen to convince people from those in your situation to the most worn out

però tranquil, aquí no et jutjarem, no temis cap pregunta inadequada.

but don't worry, we won't judge you here, don't be afraid of asking stupid questions.

Si alguna cosa volem la meva gent i jo

If there's anything that my people and I want

no és servir d’exemple, no és tenir raó.

it's not to serve as an example, it's not to be right.

Si alguna cosa anhelem és la vibració,

If there's anything we yearn for, it's vibration

l’esclat de bogeria en els ulls de l’inventor.

the sparkle of madness in the eyes of the inventor.

Aquí volem viure entusiasmats.

Here we want to live excited.

Vaig despertar-me hores després, vaig trobar al puny tancat monedes pel trajecte.

I woke up hours later, I found change for the journey in my closed fist.

La nota deia, si un bon dia decideixes contactar, deixa una espelma a la finestra.

The note said, if one fortunate day you decide to contact us, leave a candle in the window.

Estem organitzats, vivim en societat, topem amb tu a les cantonades,

We're organized, we live in society, we bump into you on the corner,

anem al súper, a la pelu, busquem plans pel cap de setmana.

we go to the supermarket, to the hairdressers, we make plans for the weekend.

Si alguna cosa volem la meva gent i jo

If there's anything that my people and I want

no és servir d’exemple, no és tenir raó.

it's not to serve as an example, it's not to be right.

Si alguna cosa anhelem és la vibració,

If there's anything we yearn for, it's vibration

és contemplar el gran show de les sinapsis en acció.

it's to contemplate the great show of a synapse in action.

L’enemic és molt llest i ens supera en recursos i en nombre,

The enemy is very smart, and he beats us in both resources and numbers,

sap què vol i ho aconsegueix.

he knows what he wants and he gets it.

L’enemic estiueja a primera línia de costa

The enemy spends his summers right on the coast

i no està fent presoners.

and he's not taking prisoners.

Aquí volem viure entusiasmats,

Here we want to live excited

aquí prenem focs que ens incendiïn la sensibilitat.

Here we start fires which set that feeling alight

Aquí triem viure entusiasmats,

Here we choose to live excited

aquí volem una bona història abans que la veritat.

Here we prefer a good story over the truth.

Amb luxe de detalls, amb luxe de detalls.

With lots of details, with lots of details.

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