Translation of the song L'Adela i el marge artist Manel


L'Adela i el marge

English translation

Adela and the edge

“Per com els agrada respondre jo sé que menteixen, o prescindeixen de la veritat.

By the way they like replying I know that they're lying, or ignoring the truth.

L’absència de risc als seus ulls prova que repeteixen discursos memoritzats.”

The absence of risk in their eyes proves that they're repeating discourse from memory.

M’ho va dir l’Adela avançant cap al marge que delimitava el món habitat.

Adela told me this, approaching the edge that marked the inhabited world.

Cridava al paisatge: “Darrere dels marges sempre hi ha un sender amb ombra

She was shouting at the countryside: Behind the edges there's always a shadowy trail

per caminar!”.

to follow!

Va ser un privilegi poder-me esperar allà amb l’Adela que anés caient la nit.

It was a privilege, being able to wait there with Adela for nightfall.

Quan vam abraçar-nos va xiuxiuejar-me “ets idiota, t’hauries divertit”.

When we embraced, she whispered to me you're an idiot, you would have had fun.

I vaig contemplar-la avançant cap al que fos que el marge tenia per oferir.

And I contemplated her approaching the darkness that the edge had to offer.

En l’últim moment va girar-se, va fer-se un petó a la mà oberta i, ffff,

In the last moment, I turned her around, I gave her a kiss on her opened hand, and, ffff,

va bufar cap a mi.

she blew on me.

I des de l’altra banda em va semblar sentir...

And from the other side, I seemed to hear...

I des de l’altra banda encara em va semblar sentir...

And from the other side, I still seemed to hear...

No tens per què estar aquí!

You've no reason to be here!

Aquest és un honor del que pots prescindir!

This is an honour you can do without!

No tens per què estar aquí!

You've no reason to be here!

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