Translation of the song La cançó del soldadet artist Manel
La cançó del soldadet
The song of the little soldier
Escolteu la cançó del soldadet
Listen to the song of the little soldier,
Que a través d'un ull de bou
who through an œil de bœuf
Veu que volen uns falciots!
sees some swifts flying!
I no és que hi entengui molt, el soldadet,
He is not an expert on that, the little soldier,
Però, que volin els falciots,
but the fact that swifts are flying
Deurà voler dir que la terra és a prop.
must mean that the land is close.
I tan a prop deu ser que baixa el capità
It is so close that the captain comes down
I intenta no semblar nerviós
he tries not to look nervous
Mentre acaba la instrucció:
while he finishes the commands:
Concentreu-vos, soldadets, sigueu prudents
Concentrate, little soldiers, be careful,
I arrapeu-vos a la vida
and cling to your life
Amb les ungles i amb les dents.
tooth and nail
Ja a coberta, els homes resen.
In the deck, men pray
Ja a coberta, els homes resen.
In the deck, men pray
I fa un amén, poc convençut, el soldadet,
He says amen, little convinced, the little soldier
I acaricia el seu fusell,
and he caresses his rifle,
Intentant no pensar en res.
trying not to think in anything.
Des de proa es van fent grossos els turons,
From the bow the hills look bigger and bigger
soldadet, valor, valor,
little soldier, courage, courage,
Que depèn de gent com tu la sort del món.
the fate of the world depends on people like you
Però si una bala enemiga creua el vent
But what if an enemies' bullet crosses the wind
I em travessa el cervell,
and goes through my brain
Es planteja el soldadet,
thinks the little soldier,
les onades m'arrossegaran
waves will drag me
I mil peixos de colors
and one thousand coloured fishes
Lluitaran per devorar la meva carn.
will fight to devour my flesh.
I és quan pensa jo m'amago;
Then he thinks I'll hide;
Quan no mirin, jo m'amago.
when nobody can see me I'll hide
Però sempre miren, i el vaixell s'està aturant,
But they're always looking, and the ship is slowing down,
Les comportes s'han obert
the doors have been opened
I, en un segon, s'inunda el mar
and in one second, the sea gets inundated
De soldats disparant a l'infinit
with soldiers shooting to the horizon
Amb un soldadet al mig,
with a little soldier in the middle of them,
Que carrega mentre insulta a l'enemic.
shooting while insulting the enemy.
I entre bomba i bomba tot li va prou bé
And between bomb and bomb everything goes pretty good
Fins que una cau just al costat.
until one of them falls next to him
Primer es diu sort, de què t'ha anat…,
At first he thinks How lucky! it was so close...,
Però després sent a l'esquena un dolor estrany
but then he feels a strange pain in his back
I en tocar-se-la li queda tot el braç tacat de sang.
and when he touches it his whole arm gets stained with blood.
Gira el cap a banda i banda.
He turns his head one way and the other
Seu a la sorra i descansa.
He sits in the sand and rests.
I mentre arriba el coi de metge, el soldadet
And while waiting the fucking doctor, the little soldier
Es tranquil·litza repetint
reassures himself repeating
Què farà, on anirà, si sobreviu:
what he will do, where he will go, if he survives:
Aniré a ma mare ben vestit
I'll go to my mother's place nicely dressed
I, abans que res, li hauré de dir
and first of all, I'll have to ask her
Que em perdoni per tractar-la sempre així;
to forgive me to treat her always that way;
Aniré a la Margarida a fer-li un fill
I'll go to Margarida to have a son
Per, només veure'l, intuir
so that when I see him I realise
Que l'estimo més del que m'estimo a mi.
that I love him more than I love myself