Translation of the song No t'enyoro artist Manel
No t'enyoro
I don't miss you
Aquesta cançó és per dir
This song is to say
que no et trobo gens en falta
that i don't miss you at all
i quan me'n vaig a dormir
and that when I go to sleep
amb la mà dreta ja em basta
my right hand suffices,
que si tinc els ulls humits
that if my eyes are watery
és que hi tinc una lleganya
it's because I have an eye booger,
i si no surto de nit
and that if I don't hang out at night
és perquè vaig curt de pasta.
it's because I'm running out of money.
I els amics que compartim tots t'enganyen
And all the friends we share are lying to you
sóc un home nou
I'm a new man
mai he estat millor
Never felt better
i no saps quant m'estalvio en trucades.
And you cannot imagine how much money I save in calls.
I aquesta cançó és per dir
And this song is to say
que si de res no en tinc ganes
that if I don't feel like doing anything at all
no ets pas tu, sinó l'edat,
it's not because of you, but because of my age,
que als trenta anys això ja passa,
which may already happen when you are 30 years old;
que l'anell que em vas donar
that the ring you gave to me
el guardo perquè el vull vendre
I keep just to sell it someday,
i la teva foto al llit
and your photo beside my bed
no he tingut pas temps de treure-la.
I just haven't had time to remove it.
I els amics que compartim tots t'enganyen
And all the friends we share are lying to you
sóc un home nou
I'm a new man
mai he estat millor
Never felt better
i no saps quant m'estalvio en trucades.
And you cannot imagine how much money I save in calls.
No t'enyoro, nena, aaaaaaah...
I don't miss you, girl, aaaaaah...
No estic deprimit, no estic desnutrit
I'm not depressed, I'm not unfed
no m'aguanta un fil, no he perdut l'estil
I'm not sustained by a thread, haven't lost my style
no vaig predicant tots els teus encants
I don't go around preaching your charms
no t'he imaginat al llit amb estranys
I haven't imagined you in bed with strangers
no estic gens perdut. No ets, tururut!
I'm not lost at all. You are not here, tururut!
no em sento confús, no he estat cap il·lús
I don't feel confused, I haven't been a gullible
i serà un gran plaer avui fer-te saber
And it's gonna be a great pleasure to me today to let you know
que no t'enyoro nena...
that I don't miss you girl...
No t'enyoro, nena, aaaaaaah...
I don't miss you, girl, aaaaaah...