Translation of the song Per la bona gent artist Manel
Per la bona gent
For the good men
Tres portes tinc a ca meva
I have three doors in my house
obertes a tots els vents:
Open as far as they will go
la que està oberta per tu,
The one that's open for you
l'altra per la bona gent,
The other for the good men
la que està oberta per tu,
The one that's open for you
l’altra per la bona gent…
The other for the good men
Aquí estic, en ple control dels meus instints, lluint
Here I am, in full control of my instincts, flaunting
coartades que et contrastaran un parell d’amics.
alibis which a couple of friends will corroborate to you.
Vinc protegint les nostres lleis des de petit; tranquil,
I've been protecting our laws since I was young; satisfied
que en cap arma hi trobaràs empremtes dels meus dits...
that on no weapon will you find my fingerprints...
I és cert que no vaig fer-ho, no en seria capaç,
And it's certain that I didn't do it, I wouldn't be capable
i és cert que aquella nit no era a la ciutat,
And it's certain that that night I wasn't in the city
però afina les preguntes, afina les preguntes
but refine your questions, refine your questions
que encara no he dit si soc bo, encara no saps si soc bo,
for I still haven't said if I'm a good man, you still don't know if I'm a good man
encara no he dit que m’inspiri una idea, que em mogui una gran convicció,
I still haven't said that I've been inspired, that a great conviction moves me,
encara no saps si amb el meu pas pel món faig que sigui una mica millor.
you still don't know if my presence in this world makes it a little better.
Tres portes tinc a ca meva
I have three doors in my house
obertes a tots els vents:
Open as far as they will go
la que està oberta per tu,
The one that's open for you
l'altra per la bona gent…
The other for the good men
Conec l’argot de la comunitat, em trobaràs
I know the argot of the community, you will find me
dins d’una casa respectable, gaudint de ser estimat.
inside of a respectable house, enjoying being loved
Encaixo mans, domino els tons i arrufo el nas quan veig
I squeeze hands, change my tone, and frown when I see
comportaments que m’han semblat del tot inadequats.
behaviours that have seemed to me, above all, inadequate.
I és cert que no vaig fer-ho, no en seria capaç,
And it's certain that I didn't do it, I wouldn't be capable
comprova-ho a les càmeres de seguretat
the proof is in the security cameras
i afina les preguntes, afina les preguntes,
and refine your questions, refine your questions,
que encara no he dit si soc bo, encara no saps si soc bo,
for I still haven't said if I'm a good man, you still don't know if I'm a good man
encara no saps si calculo els meus actes buscant una retribució.
you still don't know if I calculate my actions looking for retribution.
Encara no he dit si soc bo, encara no saps si soc bo,
I still haven't said if I'm a good man, you still don't know if I'm a good man
encara no saps si dedico la força, si oriento les meves accions
You still don't know if I give my strength, if I direct my actions
cap a una banal subsistència o si estic perseguint algun bé superior.
to a banal subsistence or if I'm chasing something better.
Mireu l’Innocent Malvat!
Look at the innocent evildoer!
Ve tot cofoi i amb el barret
He comes so satisfied and with the hat
fent un gran gest ha saludat
Making a grand gesture, he greeted
a una noia i a un soldat.
a girl and a soldier.
Se’n ve l’Innocent Malvat!
Look at the innocent evildoer!
Remena el cul, somriu a tots,
He moves his ass, he smiles at everyone,
flagell del mal humor,
whip of bad feelings,
assot dels desviats,
scourge of degenerates,
garant de la Veritat.
guarantor of the Truth.
I qui deu ser?
And who must he be?
On va, d’on ve?
Where is he going? Where has he come from?
Què vol? Què té?
What does he want? What does he have?
I què carai li han explicat
And what demons contacted him
que li provoca aquests nivells d’hilaritat?
to provoke these levels of hilarity?
Encara no saps si soc bo. Encara no he dit si soc bo.
I still don't know if I'm a good man. I still haven't said if I'm a good man.
Encara no saps si em domina la mandra, si estic espatllat per la por.
You still don't know if I'm dominated by sloth, if I'm broken by fear.
Encara no he dit si tinc l’ànima pura o si em vencen les baixes passions.
I still haven't said if I have a pure soul or if low passions conquer me.
Encara no saps quants minuts necessito que lloïs aquesta cançó.
You still don't know how many minutes I need you to praise this song for.
Encara no he dit si la joia dels altres em porta només alegria
I still haven't said if other people's happiness only brings me joy
o em fa brollar dins un verí, una metzina, una forma subtil de dolor.
or if it makes a venom, a poison, a subtle form of pain drip within me.
Tres portes tinc a ca meva
I have three doors in my house
obertes a tots els vents:
Open as far as they will go
la que està oberta per tu,
The one that's open for you
l'altra per la bona gent,
The other for the good men
la tercera per la mort
The third for death,
que la tancarà el meu temps.
who will end my days.