Translation of the song Sabotatge artist Manel



English translation


Algú havia practicat un sabotatge.

Someone had practiced a sabotage.

Algú havia afluixat els engranatges.

Someone had loosened the gears.

Se’t veia tranquil•la, desplegant el poder del teu encant personal,

You looked calm, unfolding the power of your personal charm,

i els vas, els vas respondre que no, que s’equivocaven,

and you did, you did answer no, that they were wrong,

els vas respondre que et confonien amb un altre.

You answered that they had confused you with another one.

Fas veure que penses, però saps molt bé el que fas.

You make yourself look as if you were thinking, but you know what you are doing very well.

Oh, ets estupenda! I saps molt bé el que fas!

Oh, you're great! And you know very well what you do!

I no em posaré de genolls.

And I will not stand on my knees.

I ja m’he posat de genolls. (x2)

And I've already put on my knees. (x2)

Però és que algú havia destrossat la maquinària.

But it is that someone had destroyed the machinery.

Un criminal havia fet vessar les reserves d’aigua.

A criminal had spilled the water reserves.

I, per si era útil, vas dir als senyors agents que m’havies vist vora el lloc dels fets

And, in case it was useful, you said to the agents that you had seen me near the crime scene

i jo, jo vaig respondre que no, que s’equivocaven,

and I, I replied 'no', that they were wrong,

però els seus gossos entrenats em van trobar a la cantonada.

but their trained dogs found me in the corner.

Fas veure que penses, però saps molt bé el que fas.

You make yourself look as if you were thinking, but you know what you are doing very well.

Oh, ets estupenda! I saps molt bé el que fas!

Oh, you're great! And you know very well what you do!

I no em posaré de genolls.

And I will not stand on my knees.

I ja m’he posat de genolls. (x2)

And I've already put on my knees. (x2)

Vam dir-nos adéu només amb mots,

We said goodbye only with words,

jo vaig morir cent cops.

I died a hundred times.

Tu tornes cap a ell

You turn to him

i jo torno cap als dos.

and I come back to both.

I no em posaré de genolls.

And I will not stand on my knees.

I ja m’he posat de genolls. (x2)

And I've already put on my knees. (x2)

Fas veure que penses però saps molt bé el que fas!

You make yourself look as if you were thinking, but you know what you are doing very well.

Oh, ets estupenda! I saps molt bé el que fas!

Oh, you're great! And you know very well what you do!

Vals molt la pena! I saps molt bé el que fas!

You're worth a lot! And you know very well what you do!

Ets estupenda! I sempre saps quin és el següent pas.

You are great! And you always know what the next step is.

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