Translation of the song Un directiu em va acomiadar artist Manel


Un directiu em va acomiadar

English translation

A manager fired me

Un cop a la setena planta vaig saludar a la secretaria

One time on the seventh floor I bade farewell to the secretary

i hauria pogut fotre amb el peu la porta avall,

and I could have held the door open with my foot,

cridar: “he sentit que hem de parlar, doncs parla!”

and shouted I've heard that we need to talk, so talk!

o dir: “em sap greu, però t’equivoques i del tot,

or said I'm sorry, but you're wrong, and above all,

no has calculat que estic molt boig! En guàrdia, en guàrdia!”

you haven't worked out that I'm insane! En garde, en garde!

Quan vaig fer d’home respectable

When I acted as a respectable man

que entén que són coses que passen...

who understands that things just happen

i un directiu, un directiu, em va acomiadar.

and a manager, a manager, fired me.

i un directiu, un directiu, em va acomiadar.

and a manager, a manager, fired me.

I hauria pogut portar un barret ben divertit,

And I could have worn a funny hat,

reptar-lo a un duel i requerir l’espasa.

challenged him to a duel and asked for a sword

o estirar-me dels cabells com posseït,

or straightened my hair as though I were possessed

notar-lo ben acollonit, mirant-me, mirant-me.

and scare the hell out of him, watching me, watching me.

Quan acceptava i assentia

When I accepted and embodied

el senyor obedient que porto a dintre...

the obedient gentleman who I keep within me

i un directiu, un directiu, em va acomiadar.

and a manager, a manager, fired me.

i un directiu, un directiu, em va acomiadar.

and a manager, a manager, fired me.

Jo l’obeïa i em va acomiadar!

I obeyed him, and he fired me!

i em va acomiadar, i em va acomiadar, i em va acomiadar!

and he fired me, and he fired me, and he fired me!

I aquest va ser el punt i final

And this was the end

d’aquest vell conte al•lucinat

of this fantastic old tale

que ensenyarà potser als petits

that might teach children

i distraurà, esperem, als grans.

and distract, we hope, the old.

i aquí s’acaba la funció,

And here ends the performance

el directiu i el nostre heroi

The manager and our hero

us saluden, us saluden.

salute you, salute you.

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