Translation of the song Vés bruixot! artist Manel
Vés bruixot!
Come, wizard!
El pescador al principi s’ha espantat veient-lo xop,
At first, the fisherman was scared, seeing him all wet
sortint del mar, pujant directe a la ciutat.
as he came out of the ocean and went straight up to the city.
Després ho ha entès i crida:
Afterwards, he understood, and shouted:
“Vés Bruixot! Vés Bruixot!”
Come, wizard! Come, wizard!
Fent la patrulla els dos municipals s’exciten
Two policemen on patrol got excited
en veure’l creuar, com un coet, el carrer gran.
seeing him cross the main road like a rocket.
I des del cotxe animen:
And from the car, they shout:
“Va bruixot! Va bruixot!”
Go, wizard! Go, wizard!
El gran patriarca arramba al seu costat.
The old patriarch draws to his side
Les ballarines de nou anys
nine year old dancers
quan topen amb un senyor estrany
when they meet the strange man
“Saludeu nenes, vinga!
Say hello, girls, come on!
Vés bruixot! Go bruixot!”
Come, wizard! Go, wizard!
Bruixot de móns llunys,
Wizard from far away lands
ens tens a tots a les teves mans.
We are all in your hands
Tornava a casa jove i avorrit,
I was returning home, young and bored
llegint l’horòscop de l’abril,
reading the April horoscope,
i alçant els ulls de cop l’he vist.
and suddenly, raising my eyes, I saw him.
“Si ets tu, si us plau, avança.
If it's you, please, come forward.
Vés bruixot! Vés bruixot!”
Come, wizard! Come, wizard!
Els dos adúlters abraçats
The two adulterous lovers
planegen un viatge llarg
are planning a long journey
i obren les boques desitjant:
and open their mouths wishing:
“Pel que més vulguis, fes-ho.
The thing you want to do, do it.
Va bruixot! Va bruixot!”
Go, wizard! Go, wizard!
La dolça Adela es pinta de carmí
Sweet Adela is putting on lipstick
que té un sopar amb un home trist.
for she's to dine with a sad man
Quan no sap molt per què somriu
when she, for some reason, smiles,
mira el mirall i pensa:
looks at the mirror and thinks:
“Va bruixot! Vés bruixot!”
Go, wizard! Come, wizard!
El nen prodigi es frega els ulls quan veu
The child prodigy rubs his eyes for he's seen,
surar a la cúpula del cel
hovering in the firmament,
la llum brillant d’un nou estel.
the shining light of a new star.
Surt al balcó i s’estira.
He goes out onto the balcony and sighs.
Go bruixot! Go bruixot!
Go, wizard! Go, wizard!
I tot s’atura un moment
And everything stops for a moment
quan el bruixot dissol en el vent
that the wizard disperses in the wind
unes paraules que ho arreglen tot
some words that fix everything
unes paraules que ho arreglen tot
some words that fix everything
unes paraules que ho arreglen tot.
some words that fix everything.