Translation of the song Cuba artist Faizal Tahir
Coba kau dengar
Try to listen
Coba kau cuba
Try to try
Diam bila ku coba
Silence while you try
Tuk berbicara dengan kamu
To talk with you
Pernahkah kau ada
Have you ever
Bila ku perlu
Needed to
Tuk meluahkan rasa hati
Express how you felt
Dan bila kau bersuara
And when you're venting
Setia ku mendengar
I faithfully heard
Agar tenang kau merasa
So that you feel calm
Sebenarnya aku padamu
Am I to you
Mungkin sama dengan teman lain
Maybe the same with other friends
Yang bisa kau buat begitu
That all you can do is do that
Dan bila
And when
Tiada lagi teman bermain
No friends are playing
Kau pulang mendapatkan aku
You went home to get me
Itulah aku... padamu
That's me... to you
Coba kau lihat
Try to see
Coba kau coba
Try to try
Renung ke mata aku
Look in my eyes
Bila ku kaku melihatmu
When I look at you stiffly
Pernahkah kau ada
Have you ever
Bila ku perlu
Needed to
Tuk menyatakan rasa sakit
Expressing your pain
Dalam diri
In yourself
Dan bila kau perlu
And when you need
Setia ku menunggu
I faithfully wait
Agar senang kau merasa
So that you feel at ease
Sebenarnya aku padamu
Am I to you
Mungkin sama dengan teman lain
Maybe the same with other friends
Yang bisa kau buat begitu
That all you can do is do that
Dan bila
And when
Tiada lagi teman bermain
No friends are playing
Kau pulang mendapatkan aku
You went home to get me
Itulah aku... padamu
That's me... to you
Maafkan kerana aku tak pernah
Sorry if I haven't
Terlintas tuk menulis pada mu
Crossed over to write to you
Salahkan ku
Blame me
Tak mungkin lagi aku meminta
No longer I will ask
Untuk kau mendengar...
For you to listen...
Untuk kau melihat ke mataku
For you to look in my eyes
Sebenarnya aku padamu
Am I to you
Mungkin sama dengan teman lain
Maybe the same with other friends
Yang bisa kau buat begitu
That all you can do is do that
Dan bila
And when
Tiada lagi teman bermain
No friends are playing
Kau pulang mendapatkan aku
You went home to get me
Itulah aku... padamu
That's me... to you