Translation of the song 餓狼傳說 artist Jacky Cheung

Chinese (Cantonese)


English translation

Legend of a Hungry Wolf

她熄掉晚燈 幽幽掩兩肩

She turns off all light at night, slowly cover the shoulders

交織了火花 拘禁在沉澱

Crossed fire sparks, imprisoned in the sedimentation

心剛被割損 經不起變遷

The heart has just been cut, cannot survive through changes

她偏以指尖 牽引著磁電

She uses her fingertips, lead out the electricity


The raging love surges over me and kiss me, entangle me with all efforts

偏偏知道 愛令我無明天

Just know that, love blinds tomorrow

她倚著我肩 呼吸響耳邊

She leans at my shoulder, snoozing beside my ear

高溫已產生 色相令人亂

High temperature generated, the sexy appearance creates confusion

君子在撲火 吹不走暖煙

The gentleman tried to put off fire, but warm smoke cannot be blown away

她加上嘴巴 給我做磨練

Her lips give me practices

洶湧的愛 撲著我盡力亂吻亂纏

The raging love surges over me and kiss me, entangle me with all efforts

偏偏知道 愛令我無明天

Just know that, love blinds tomorrow

愛會像頭餓狼 嘴巴似極甜

Love like a hungry wolf, the mouth looks sweet


If walk near, her fierce appearance appears

愛會像頭餓狼 豈可抱著眠

Love like a hungry wold, how can I hug it to sleep


She will give me deep wounds as souvenir

她倚著我肩 呼吸響耳邊

She leans at my shoulder, snoozing beside my ear

高溫已產生 色相令人亂

High temperature generated, the sexy appearance creates confusion

君子在撲火 吹不走暖煙

The gentleman tried to put off fire, but warm smoke cannot be blown away

她加上嘴巴 給我做磨練

Her lips give me practices

洶湧的愛 撲著我盡力亂吻亂纏

The raging love surges over me and kiss me, entangle me with all efforts

偏偏知道 愛令我無明天

Just know that, love blinds tomorrow

愛會像頭餓狼 嘴巴似極甜

Love like a hungry wolf, the mouth looks sweet


If walk near, her fierce appearance appears

愛會像頭餓狼 豈可抱著眠

Love like a hungry wold, how can I hug it to sleep


She will give me deep wounds as souvenir

愛會像頭餓狼 嘴巴似極甜

Love like a hungry wolf, the mouth looks sweet


If walk near, her fierce appearance appears

愛會像頭餓狼 豈可抱著眠

Love like a hungry wold, how can I hug it to sleep


She will give me deep wounds as souvenir

愛會像頭餓狼 嘴巴似極甜

Love like a hungry wolf, the mouth looks sweet


If walk near, her fierce appearance appears

愛會像頭餓狼 豈可抱著眠

Love like a hungry wold, how can I hug it to sleep


She will give me deep wounds as souvenir

愛會像頭餓狼 嘴巴似極甜

Love like a hungry wolf, the mouth looks sweet


If walk near, her fierce appearance appears

愛會像頭餓狼 豈可抱著眠

Love like a hungry wold, how can I hug it to sleep


She will give me deep wounds as souvenir

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