Translation of the song Bruixes artist Roba Estesa
Meigas, feitizos e bruxas
Magic, spells and witches
que persigue a inquisición;
pursued by the inquisition;
sin máscara, socaliñas
without a mask, swindlers
de cregos e frades son ...
who believe, and friars are ...
Chámanlles bruxas a as vellas
They call old women witches
por ter cara de cartón;
for having a cardboard face
pero solamente hay meigas
but there are only mages
en donde hay inquisición.
where there's inquisition
N'eren temps de misèria, de por, plors i histèria
It was in times of sadness, of fear, tears and hysteria
quan dues joves es van decidir.
when two young women decided.
Varen emprendre un viatge, sols aire a la butxaca,
They undertook a journey, only air in their pockets
i van fer cap al poble veí.
and they made their way to the neighbouring town.
Un home les va veure i les convidà a seure,
A man saw them and convinced them to sit
en una taula envoltada de fum.
at a table surrounded by smoke.
Negra n'era la nit, negre n'era aquell llit
The night was black, the bed was black
on la trampa esdevingué malson
where the trap became a nightmare
quan l'emmetzinarem amb els seus propis petons.
when they poisoned him with their kisses.
Com a bruixes dictem que et toca morir
As witches we say that it's your turn to die
per les venes et corre el nostre verí!
through your veins, our poison runs!
Com a bruixes dictem que et toca morir
As witches we say that it's your turn to die
per les venes et corre el nostre verí!
through your veins, our poison runs!
Entre els crits del feudal, ja en ve la Guàrdia Reial,
Between the cries of the feudal estate, the Royal Guard sees it
trobant allí l'escena d'un crim.
finding there the scene of a crime
S'implantaren mesures a les desconegudes
Measures are implemented on strangers
sentenciades per Ordre Diví.
sentenced by Divine Order.
I la gent d'aquell poble, portant fustes i mobles
And the people of that town, carrying wood and furniture
una gran pira van construir.
constructed a large pyre
Avivant la foguera, criden: foc i més llenya!
Lighting the bonfire, they cry: fire and more firewood!
còmplices del terrible destí.
accomplices of this terrible fate.
Les bruixes ja s'encenen, la flama les encega,
The witches now catch fire, the flames blind them,
maleeixen tot agonitzant:
in agony, they curse everything:
nostra vista us aterra, doncs claveu ulls a terra
our sight frightens you, therefore close your eyes to the world
perquè mentre ens cremeu, de la flama veureu
because whilst we burn, from the flame you will see
com reneix l'esperit de la dona fet crit!
how the spirit of the tortured woman is reborn!
Com a bruixes dictem que us toca morir,
As witches we say that it's your turn to die
per les venes us corre el nostre verí!
through your veins, our poison runs!
Com a bruixes dictem que us toca morir,
As witches we say that it's your turn to die
per les venes us corre el nostre verí!
through your veins, our poison runs!
Quan al matí següent, no canta el gall i veiem
When on the following morning, the cockerel did not sing and they saw
aquell poble mort i devastat.
the town dead and destroyed.
I d'enmig de les cendres s'entreveuen dues nenes
And from the middle of the ashes, two girls were seen
que desperten i aixequen el cap.
to wake up and raise their heads
I en aquell lloc de misèria, de por, plors i histèria
It was in times of sadness, of fear, tears and hysteria
quan dues joves es van decidir.
when two young women decided.
Varen emprendre un viatge, sols aire a la butxaca,
They undertook a journey, only air in their pockets
i van fer cap al poble veí.
and they made their way to the neighbouring town.