Una xica m'ho ha dit, una xica m'ho ha dit
A girl told me, a girl told me
que li pose la mà al ventre.
to put my hand on her belly
Al punt de la mitjanit, al punt de la mitjanit
Just about midnight, just about midnight,
quan estiga de bon temple.
when she was feeling good.
Una xica m'ho ha dit, una xica m'ho ha dit
A girl told me, a girl told me
que li pose la mà al ventre,
to put my hand on her belly
quan estiga de bon temple.
when she was feeling good.
La xica que no s'ho torca, la xica que no s'ho torca
The girl who does not twist, the girl who does not twist
i ella corre un gran perill.
And she is in great danger
I és que se li faça costra, i és que se li faça costra
And it's because she's crusted, it's because she's crusted
i se li tape el clevill.
and she taps the crack.
La xica que no s'ho torca, la xica que no s'ho torca
The girl who does not twist, the girl who does not twist
i ella corre un gran perill,
And she is in great danger
i se li tape el clevill.
and she taps the crack
L'assot i la ferradura,
The whip and the horseshoe,
la ferradura i l'assot
the horseshoe and the whip
fan la palla més menuda
they take the short straw,
i porten lo rossí al trot.
and take the blonde to the trot
Jo no cante per la veu, jo no cante per la veu
I do not sing for my voice, I do not sing for my voice
ni tampoc per la seguida.
Nor for the followed.
Cante per un amic meu, cante per un amic meu
I sing for a friend of mine, I sing for a friend of mine
que per mi donaria la vida.
For whom I would give my life
Jo no cante per la veu, jo no cante per la veu
I do not sing for my voice, I do not sing for my voice
ni tampoc per la seguida,
Nor for the followed.
cante per un amic meu que per mi donaria la vida.
I sing for a friend of mine for whom I would give my life
L'assot i la ferradura,
The whip and the horseshoe,
la ferradura i l'assot
the horseshoe and the whip
fan la palla més menuda
they take the short straw