Translation of the song Cant de lluita artist Roba Estesa
Cant de lluita
The song of the fight
Som en acte de protesta.
We're in an act of protest
Som mans fredes vora el foc.
We're cold hands around the fire
Som la veu de la revolta,
We're the voice of the revolt
netes de la por i el dol.
free from fear and pain
Disfressades d'utopia
Disguised as utopia
emprendrem lluny del dolor
we start work, far from pain,
la recerca de la vida
on the search for life
a cavall de la raó.
on the horse of reason1
Som en acte de protesta.
We're in an act of protest
Som mans fredes vora el foc.
We're cold hands around the fire
Som la veu de la revolta,
We're the voice of the revolt
netes de la por i el dol.
free from fear and pain
Coincideixen les mirades,
Our gazes all coincide,
fixades en l'horitzó.
focused on the horizon
Potser avui farem victòria,
It could be today we'll be victorious
potser enterrarem el plor.
It could be today we'll bury the tears
Som en acte de protesta.
We're in an act of protest
Som mans fredes vora el foc.
We're cold hands around the fire
Som la veu de la revolta,
We're the voice of the revolt
netes de la por i el dol.
free from fear and pain
Doncs ens mantindrem alçades,
Therefore we'll keep standing
ja no ens veuran de genolls.
no longer will they see us on our knees
El Sol mantindrà la flama,
The sun maintains the flame
la Lluna encendrà passió.
The moon sets passion alight
Som en acte de protesta.
We're in an act of protest
Som mans fredes vora el foc.
We're cold hands around the fire
Som la veu de la revolta,
We're the voice of the revolt
netes de la por i el dol.
free from fear and pain