Translation of the song Dona bonica artist Roba Estesa
Dona bonica
Beautiful woman
Llàgrimes que et prenen la son,
Tears which take your dreams
llàgrimes que et donen valor,
Tears which give you valor
valor per viure.
the valor of being alive
Vine al voltant d'aquest foc.
Come around this fire
Ànimes que t'alcen el dol,
Souls which raise up your pain
ànimes que fan tant soroll,
souls which make such noise
soroll per riure.
the noise of laughter
Vine al voltant d'aquest foc.
Come around this fire
Recorda, recorda germana
Remember, remember sister
que la lluita, la lluita és ara.
that the struggle, the struggle is now
Recorda germana, recorda quan tornes,
Remeber sister, remember when you go back
si ens toquen a una, ens toquen a totes.
if they touch one of us, they touch us all
Ets amor, ets dona bonica, ets lluna d'or,
You're love, you're a beautiful woman, you're a golden moon
ets llavor que creix, s'aixeca i crida.
You're the seed that grows, gets up and cries
Ets calor, ets un cant a la vida, ets nit de claror,
You're the warmth, you're a song to life, you're a clear night
ets llavor que creix, s'aixeca i crida.
You're the seed that grows, gets up and cries
Llàgrimes que et treuen la por,
Tears which bring you fear
llàgrimes que et donen color,
Tears which give you colour
color per viure.
the colour of being alive
Vine al voltant d'aquest foc.
Come around this fire
Ànimes que et curen de tot,
Souls which cure you of everything
ànimes que són tot d'amor,
souls which all come from love
amor per riure.
the love of laughter
Vine al voltant d'aquest foc.
Come around this fire
Recorda, recorda germana
Remember, remember sister
que la lluita, la lluita és ara.
that the struggle, the struggle is now
Recorda germana, recorda quan tornes,
Remeber sister, remember when you go back
si ens toquen a una, ens toquen a totes.
if they touch one of us, they touch us all
Ets amor, ets dona bonica, ets lluna d'or,
You're love, you're a beautiful woman, you're a golden moon
ets llavor que creix, s'aixeca i crida.
You're the seed that grows, gets up and cries
Ets calor, ets un cant a la vida, ets nit de claror,
You're the warmth, you're a song to life, you're a clear night
ets llavor que creix, s'aixeca i crida.
You're the seed that grows, gets up and cries
Ets amor, dona bonica,
You're love, beautiful woman,
ets llavor que creix, s'aixeca i crida.
You're the seed that grows, gets up and cries