Translation of the song Dona del carrer artist Roba Estesa


Dona del carrer

English translation

Woman of the street

Se sent un xiscle estrany. Dirigeixo la mirada cap allà on ve i veig una vaca pasturant i al seu costat una dona descabellada, amb els braços estesos i descalça que balla sense compàs. Passa un vailet pel meu costat i li pregunto: Xiquet! Tu saps qui és aquella dona? I ell, avergonyit, em respon: La Revolució.

I hear a strange cry. I direct my gaze towards from where it came and I see a grazing cow, and at its side a crazy woman, with arms extended, barefoot, who is dancing without direction. A boy passes beside me and I asked him Child! Do you know who this woman is? And he, embarrassed, replies to me: The revolution.

Vaig conèixer una xiqueta sense poble, sense ciutat.

I met a young girl without a village, without a city

Els peus negres anava descalça, els cabells duia deslligats.

Her black feet were barefoot, her hair in disarray

Sons ulls foscos explicaven belles històries del passat

Her fiery eyes explained beautiful stories of the past

però tancant-los amagava el que passés d'ara endavant.

But closing them hid what was happening right then

I alçant les mans enlaire i amb uns moviments de cap.

And raising her hands in the air and with some movements of her head

Sa cintura dibuixava infinits de llibertats.

Her waist drew infinities of freedom

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Vine aquí dona del carrer!

Come here, woman of the street!

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Vine aquí somriu i balla.

Come here, smile and dance.

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Vine aquí dona del carrer!

Come here, woman of the street!

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Vine aquí i balla.

Come here and dance

I ara duc sal a la butxaca per recordar-la quan es fa tard.

And now I carry salt in my pocket to remember her when it's late

Sal, calor de la mar salada que si tinc sort tornaré a llepar.

Salt, the heat of the salty ocean which if I'm lucky I will lick again

I alçant les mans enlaire crida al cel per cantar,

And raising her arms in the air, she cries to the sky to sing,

la cançó que mai s'acaba: que diu lai lai lailai lailai lailai lai lai!

the song which never stops, which goes lai lai lailai lailai lailai lai lai!

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Vine aquí dona del carrer!

Come here, woman of the street!

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Vine aquí somriu i balla.

Come here, smile and dance.

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Vine aquí dona del carrer!

Come here, woman of the street!

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Lailai lailai lailai lailai lai lai

Vine aquí i balla.

Come here and dance

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