Translation of the song Esglai artist Roba Estesa
Ésser espiritual, tu que vius sotmès
Being spiritual, you who live submissively
amagat sota el que mostra el pic de l'iceberg.
hidden below he who shows the peak of the iceberg
Parla'm de com veus el món, explica'm la por,
Tell me how you see the world, explain me the fear
com pateixes cada nit, com plores sense fi.
how you suffer every night, with tears and without faith
Ésser espiritual, fem-nos de mirall,
Being spiritual makes us a mirror
reflectides en la força càlida del glaç.
reflected in the hot force of the iceberg
Ets aquesta part que tinc, mous el foc en mi,
You're this part that I have, you move the fire in me
digue'm on és el dolor per fer revolució.
tell me where is the longing to start a revolution
Cridem i no callem.
Let's shout, and not be silent
Parlem d'allò que no se'ns ha permès.
Let's speak about that which we've not been allowed
Trencarem cadenes, cremarem el gel,
We'll break chains, we'll burn the ice
tombarem fronteres, serem lliures!
We'll open borders, we'll be free
Ésser espiritual, animal present,
To be spiritual, a present animal
bateguem amb la constància del fet insurgent.
we'll fight with the relentlessless of our insurgent truth
Som l'essència del camí, nues de destí,
We're the essence of the way forward, born from destiny
fem l'amor d'on neix calor per fer revolució.
made of love from where the heat of revolution is born
Cridem i no callem.
Let's shout, and not be silent
Parlem d'allò que no se'ns ha permès.
Let's speak about that which we've not been allowed
Trencarem cadenes, cremarem el gel,
We'll break chains, we'll burn the ice
tombarem fronteres, serem lliures!
We'll open borders, we'll be free