Translation of the song Governar-nos artist Roba Estesa
Rule ourselves
Comencem a governar-nos,
Let's start ruling ourselves
que neixi de naltros l'emoció.
so that emotion is born from within us
Que desapareguin bàndols,
So that divisions disappear
som escamots d'insurrecció.
we're platoons of insurrection
Comencem a governar-nos,
Let's start ruling ourselves
que neixi de naltros la passió.
so that passion is born from within us
Que desapareguin bàndols,
So that divisions disappear
som escamots d'insurrecció,
we're platoons of insurrection
l'alegria de la revolució!
the joy of the revolution!
On m'agrada a mi trobar-te és al carrer,
Where I like to find you is in the street
fem que valgui la pena, no et quedis enrere.
we must be worth the pain, don't fall behind
On m'agrada a mi trobar-te és al carrer,
Where I like to find you is in the street
insubmisa i desperta. Ara et toca a tu!
Unwavering and awake. Now it's your turn!
Un cos valent que balla al compàs del temps. Un cos valent.
A brave body which dances to the compass of the weather. A brave body.
Un cos valent que balla al compàs del vent. Un cos valent.
A brave body which dances to the compass of the wind. A Brave body.
Comencem a governar-nos,
Let's start ruling ourselves
que neixi de naltros la il·lusió.
so that hope for the future is born from within us
Que desapareguin bàndols,
So that divisions disappear
som escamots d'insurrecció.
we're platoons of insurrection
Comencem a governar-nos,
Let's start ruling ourselves
que neixi de naltros el ressò.
so that the echo is born from within us
Que desapareguin bàndols,
So that divisions disappear
som escamots d'insurrecció,
we're platoons of insurrection
l'alegria de la revolució!
the joy of the revolution!
On m'agrada a mi trobar-te és al carrer,
Where I like to find you is in the street
fem que valgui la pena, no et quedis enrere.
we must be worth the pain, don't fall behind
On m'agrada a mi trobar-te és al carrer,
Where I like to find you is in the street
insubmisa i desperta.
Unwavering and awake.
On m'agrada a mi trobar-te és al carrer,
Where I like to find you is in the street
aixequem polseguera, celebrem la revetlla.
we must be worth the pain, don't fall behind
On m'agrada a mi trobar-te és al carrer,
Where I like to find you is in the street
insubmisa i desperta. Ara et toca a tu!
Unwavering and awake. Now it's your turn!