Translation of the song La nit és nostra artist Roba Estesa
La nit és nostra
The night is ours
La nit és nostra!
The night is ours!
Ens guiarà la reina de les palpentes.
The queen of the groped will guide us
No tindrem por. Valentes,
We won't be afraid. Brave,
seguirem les passes que
We'll follow the steps which
han deixat aquelles que, calentes,
have been left by those who, hot,
han trencat el tabú
have broken the taboo
de la sang decidint que, contentes,
of blood, deciding that, happy,
brindaran per l'orgull de lluitar.
they will toast the pride of crying
I ahir, ahir vam sortir al carrer.
And yesterday, yesterday we went out onto the street
I avui, avui ho farem, també.
And today, today we'll do it as well.
I demà no deixarem de cantar
And tomorrow, we won't stop singing
que la nit…
that the night...
Es trobaran les dones i les tempestes.
We find women and storms
Segant arran, valentes,
Continuing on, brave,
trencaran armaris del passat
they break out of closets of the past
cridant ben fort, calentes,
crying so strong, hot,
que han perdut la temor d'estimar
who have lost the fear of loving
pintant el cel, contentes,
painting the sky, happy,
del negre més profund i brillant.
in the deepest, shining black.
I ahir, ahir vam sortir al carrer.
And yesterday, yesterday we went out onto the street
I avui, avui ho farem, també.
And today, today we'll do it as well.
I demà no deixarem de cantar
And tomorrow, we won't stop singing
que la nit… la nit és nostra!
that the night, the night is ours!
Ni cap guerra que ens mati
Not even a war could kill us
ni pau que ens oprimeixi!
nor could peace stop us!
Som les filles de les dones
We're the daughters of the women
que estan a l'exili!
who are in exile!
Som rebels i nostres, neixen propostes
We're rebels and our own, proposals are born
de mares a filles, de vives a mortes.
from mothers to daughters, from living to dead
Prou penitència! Prou reverència!
Enough penitence! Enough reverence!
Prou al sistema que marca sentència...
Enough with the system that passes sentences
Escolteu la resistència!
Listen to the resistance!
La nit és nostra!
The night is ours!