Translation of the song Lluna artist Roba Estesa



English translation


Totes naixem amb armadura,

We are all born with armour

totes naixem amb ulls tancats.

we are all born with closed eyes

Vespres, nits, cercant respostes,

Evenings, nights, seeking answers

converses amb significat.

conversations with meaning

Boca ampla i mirada intensa,

Open mouth and intense gaze

regust amarg i rebuscat.

A bitter and rejected aftertaste

Ai, princesa maleïda,

Hey, you damn princess

de les nits en fas combat!

you make the nights into a fight!

En veure l'altra cara de la Lluna el batec del meu cor

To see the other side of the moon, the rhythm of my heart

resta impacient, a la matinada, que torni a sortir el Sol.

is impatient, until the morning, when the sun rises again

I d'un nou dia, una nova vida neix al nostre interior.

And from a new day, a new life is born inside of us

Gràcies per la teva companyia, el teu son mai no mor.

Thanks for your companionship, your sleep never dies.

Doncs, a voltes, em pregunto

Therefore, sometimes, I ask myself

el perquè de la maldat,

the why of wickedness

el perquè de la utopia

the why of utopia

i el perquè de la veritat.

and the why of truth

Si la veritat fos utopia.

If the truth was utopia

Si la veritat no fos maldat.

If the truth wasn't wicked

Si la veritat fos d'or i plata.

If the truth was made of gold or silver

Si la veritat fos veritat.

If the truth was the truth

Tu que ens amagues tantes històries, nua allà a l'horitzó,

You who hide from us so many stories, naked on the horizon

ens mostres la cara lluminosa i darrere la foscor.

you show us the shining face and behind, the darkness

Tot i així ens vens a veure en somnis i ens obres un món nou.

you come to show us all of this new world in dreams and in art

Un xiuxiueig diu a cau d'orella «Viure no ha de fer por».

A whisper in your ear says Living doesn't have to be scary

La lluita és viva, és meva, he guanyat el combat!

The struggle is alive, it's mine, I've won the fight!

La sal ja no cou a les ferides perquè han cicatritzat.

The salt no longer covers wounds because they've scarred over.

Ja no cou a les ferides perquè han cicatritzat.

It no longer covers wounds because they've scarred over.

La lluita és viva, és nostra, hem guanyat el combat!

The struggle is alive, it's ours, we've won the fight!

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