Si haguessis nascut en una altra terra,
If you'd been born in another land
podries ser blanc, podries ser negre...
you could be white, you could be black...
Un altre país fora casa teva,
You'd make your home in another country,
i diries sí en un altra llengua.
and you'd say yes in another language.
T'hauries criat d'una altra manera
You would have cried in another way
més bona, potser més dolenta.
A better way, maybe a sadder way
Tindries més sort o potser més pega...
You'd have more luck, or maybe more misfortune
Tindries amics i jocs d'una altra mena;
You'd have friends and games of another kind
Duries vestits de sac o de seda,
You'd wear dresses made of sacks or from silk,
sabates de pell o tosca espardenya,
leather shoes, or pumice espadrilles
o aniries nu perdut per la selva.
or with naked feet, lost in the forest.
Podries llegir contes i poemes,
You could read tales and poems,
o no tenir llibres ni saber de lletra.
or you might not have books nor know how to read.
Podries menjar coses llamineres
You could eat chocolate houses
o només crostons secs de pa negre.
or nothing more than the dry crusts of black bread.
Podries ....podries… Per tot això pensa
You could... you could... because of all of this
que importa tenir les mans ben obertes
how important it is to have wide open hands
i ajudar qui ve fugint de la guerra
and to help those who flee from war
fugint del dolor i de la pobresa.
fleeing from pain and from poverty
Si tu fossis nat a la seva terra
If you were born in their country
la tristesa d'ell podria ser teva.
their sadness could be your own
Duries vestits de sac o de seda,
You'd wear dresses made of sacks or from silk,
sabates de pell o tosca espardenya,
leather shoes, or pumice espadrilles
o aniries nu perdut per la selva.
or with naked feet, lost in the forest.
Podries llegir contes i poemes,
You could read tales and poems,
o no tenir llibres ni saber de lletra.
or you might not have books nor know how to read.