Translation of the song Sense por artist Roba Estesa
Sense por
Without fear
Ja no tindran por, ja no tindran por!
No longer will they be afraid, no longer will they be afraid!
Hem caigut del cel com àngels ferotges.
We've fallen from the sky like savage angels
Hem trencat l'asfalt, els sostres i l'ordre.
We've broken the asphalt, the ceilings and order
Hem seguit corrents buscant la resposta.
We've followed currents looking for the answer
Hem trobat la sang brollant de la crosta.
We've found the blood spouting from the crust
Cremen els més cars, (Uo, io, io-io- io!)
They burn the most expensive things (Uo, io, io-io- io!)
sonen cants llunyans, (Ua, ia, ia-ia- ia!)
They sing distant songs (Ua, ia, ia-ia- ia!)
saben que demà (Uo, io, io-io- io!)
They know that tomorrow (Uo, io, io-io- io!)
ja no tindran por, ja no tindran por!
No longer will they be afraid, no longer will they be afraid!
Hem plantat la sort en ventres de sorra.
Hem menjat del plat quan queden les molles.
We've eaten the dish when the crumbs are left
Hem mirat amunt per veure si ens escolta,
We've looked up to see if it was listening
desviant el punt, fent nostre aquest conte.
deflecting the point, making this story ours
Cremen els més cars, (Uo, io, io-io- io!)
They burn the most expensive things (Uo, io, io-io- io!)
sonen cants llunyans, (Ua, ia, ia-ia- ia!)
They sing distant songs (Ua, ia, ia-ia- ia!)
saben que demà (Uo, io, io-io- io!)
They know that tomorrow (Uo, io, io-io- io!)
ja no tindran por, ja no tindran por!
No longer will they be afraid, no longer will they be afraid!
Hem legitimat somriures d'estranys
We've legitimised smiles of strangers
per tenir-ho tot, per tenir-ho clar.
by having everything, by making it clear
Hem estimat mil, hem estimat tant.
We've loved a thousand, we've loved so much
Hem tingut la sort de sentir-ho a prop.
We've had the luck to feel it close.