Translation of the song Rocket to the Moon (end credits) (in 16 Languages) artist Over the Moon (OST)
Rocket to the Moon (end credits) (in 16 Languages)
Rocket to the Moon (end credits) (in 16 Languages)
Fly away, Chang’e, are you calling to me?
Fly away, Chang’e, are you calling to me?
Alto iré, que a un perfecto sitio lleven
I'm going high, let them take me to a perfect place
Andaré en la luna azul
I'm going to the blue moon
रास्ता जाने का लूँगी धुँध
I will find my own way
बनाके रॉकट जाऊँ मैं मून
I'll make a rocket and go to the moon
Je volerai vers les étoiles pour nous retrouver
I will fly to the stars to find us again
ねえ パパ 愛は続くわ 永遠に
Isn't it Dad, this love will continue forever
Znajdę gdzieś, ten dowód, wiem, już czuje w sercu swym
It's time to act, I know that somewhere I will discover that proof
Czas na czyn
I don't have any doubt
촛불 하나면 종이 랜턴도 날 수 있는데
If a candle can make a paper lantern fly
Astronautas levitando están, me invitarán
Astronauts are levitating, they're going to invite me
Se, det hele spiller, håbet lever, vi er snart af sted
Look, everything is working, hope lives on, off we are soon
Bar' bliv ved
Just persist
Jag kommer lyfta; ja, nu ska det ske
I'll take wing; yes, it's about to happen
Vi teller ned til vi reiser herfra
We're counting down till we leave
Falta tão pouco pra eu me libertar
I'm one step away from breaking free
Eu vou pra lua
I'm heading for the moon
Fort von hier, Chang’e, bald werd ich dich sehen
Away from here, Chang'e, soon I'll see you
Fort von hier, Ba Ba, dann wirst du’s auch sehen
Away from here, Ba Ba, then you too will see
Zwaartekracht heeft geen enkele macht
Gravity doesn't have the slightest power
Maar een raket heeft net als ik één doel
But a rocket, like me, has one goal
في صاروخي فوق النجوم
On my rocket above the stars