Translation of the song ترانه‌ی سال artist Hayedeh


ترانه‌ی سال

English translation

A Song Called the Year (Years, All These Years!)

هنوز به یاد خونه , همه دلامون خونه


هرگز باور نداشتیم , دنیا اینجور بمونه

We still contemplate about our home**, our hearts are bleeding

سال سال , این چند سال

We never believed that the world would stay as disastrous as it was

امسال , پارسال , پیرارسال

Years, all these years!

هر سال میگیم دریغ از پارسال

This year, last year and the the year before last

سال سال , این چند سال

Years, all these years!

امسال , پارسال , پیرارسال

This year, last year and the the year before last

هر سال میگیم دریغ از پارسال

Every year we say that the year before was better

وای دل چه خونه , از کار این زمونه

Oh, how miserable the heart is, because of this wheel of fortune

حسرت کشیدن سخته , خدا میدونه

To regret is very agonizing, God knows

وای وای خدایا , دلزده از خوشیها

Oh God, we, bored with pleasures,

با هم چه آتش زدیم ما به آشیونه

burned down the house** all together

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