Translation of the song Legenda o Elvisu artist Edo Maajka
Legenda o Elvisu
legenda o elvisu
Halo Desh...
Hello Desh
'Oce li pocet' vise ovo vec jednom, matere ti
Will this start already damn your mother
Zivot cupav je k'o dlake,
life is hairy like furs
Zivot zna bit' grub
life can be rough
Nekad pametan ne valja,
sometimes smart is not good
bolje biti glup
better to be stupid
Nekad te mazi pazi,
sometimes it spoils you and takes care of you
nekad nabije rog
sometimes it makes you wear horns
Puno smisla za humor
a lot of sense of humor
ima dragi Bog
dear God has
Kad Bosanke porode crnce,
when Bosnian women give birth to black babies
zacete u ratu
beget in war
Pa kad mali crnac vidi Hasu,
and when little black baby sees Haso
svoga tatu
his father
Pa kad Haso vidi Fatu,
and when Haso sees Fata
kad joj pokaze katu
when he shows her kata (Karate move)
Kad joj polomi kosti
when he breaks her bones
i kad joj skoci po vratu
and reaches for her neck
Nakon sedam dana,
after seven days
to jest' u isto vrijeme
that is at the same time
Ma uspjet' ce otvorit' oci
both will succeed to open their eyes
i Fata i njeno dijete
Fata and her child
Sjetice se Fata,
Fata will remember
porumenit' k'o paradajz
become red as tomato
Iz Chicaga, ona naga,
from Chicago, herself naked
on isti Wesley Snipes
himself just as Wesley Snipes
Jeff Mills,
Jeff Mills
ona baza ispod Majevica Hills
from that military base under Majevica Hills
Pred vece je cistila Office
in the evening she was cleaning office
i tako je nastao ELVIS
and that how Elvis was made
Ljudi, rijec je o Fati,
People, we're talking about Fata here
ona nije k'o bule
she's not like ?? (easy women I guess, not sure)
Haso je po 30 dana
Haso was for 30 days
radio u rudniku kod Pule
working in the mine near Pula
Nije dolazio kuci,
he was not coming home
a ljetni dani bili vruci
but summer days are hot
Komsiluk voli tracat',
neighbourhood loves to gossip
s njima se ne valja zajebavat'
better not to *** around with them
Sav krvav i garav,
all bloody and dirty
cula ona stara kurva
that old ho heard
Hoda po kuci,
walks around the house
k'o da bazu oko kuce cuva
like protecting the base around it
K'o komad uglja sto vadi,
like piece of coal that he mines
Haso dijete drzi
Haso is holding the kid
I p'jan navio Denisa,
and drunk he winds up Denis
onu pjesmu Prziii
and his song Burrrn
Mozda je stvar u uglju,
Maybe it's because of coal
pit'o je kolegu Sulju
he ask his friend Suljo
I njegova Fadila
his wife Fadila
crno dijete s njime ima
also has a black kid with him
Ma to je Boga mi
That's it, I swear to God
kune se Hasi Fata
swears Fata to Haso
Vjerujem ti ljubavi,
I belive you my love,
haj'mo mu napravit' brata
let's make him a brother
Kad Millsov kolega
When Mills' buddy
zovne Millsa iz baze
calls him from the base
Kad mu slike od dijet'a
and sends pictures of the kid
posalje preko interneta
over the internet
Pa kad skonta Mills
And when Mills realizes
da je Elvis njegov Kid
that Elvis is his kid
Ustvari, doce do hemije u glavi
chemistry in his head begins to work
On ce spakirati stvari
He packs up
Sjesce na Plane
Gets on the plane
i za tren ce biti u bazi
and next moment he's in the base
Sjest' za isti stol,
and sits down at the very same table
gdje je Fatu znao da mazi
where he was fondling Fata
Hey Baby Hey
Hey, baby, hey
cuce Fata dok pere WC
Fata heard when she was cleaning toilet
Pretrnuce Fata,
htjece Wesley da je fata
Wesley wants to grab her
Al' stace ona,
But she stops
ipak voli Hasu i brak
nevertheless she loves Haso and her marriage
A Mills ce popizditi,
but Mills gets really mad
rece Fato Mother****
he says Fato ***?
Baby come on
Baby come on
bjezi bolan sto si konj
get lost, don't be a horse
Na brak i djete mislit' moram
I must think of my marriage and baby
**** off bolan
F*** off
Plakace Mills,
Mills cries
u glavi mu ELVIS
in his head is Elvis
njegov baby
his baby
I rijec odjebi,
and the words F*** off
rijec I love Haso words I love Haso
rijec I love Haso words I love Haso
Odzvanjace glasno,
are ringing loudly
bice ljut k'o ris
he is mad as lynx
Otice u kafanu Kod Andje
goes to coffee house Kod Andje
tamo svira Denis
where Denis is playing
Vila Kod Andje,
Villa Kod Andje
inace pickovito mjesto
**** place
Tam' ne dolaze budale,
fools don't go there
zadnji je bio Sale
last one was Sale
Don't **** with me (Give me a break)
rek'o je Millsu konobar
bartender said to Mills
Kad mu ispric'o
when he told him
u cem' je stvar
about it (whole story)
Mills Jaro,
Mills, my friend
nisi se ti jedini u ljubav razocar'o
you are not the only one who was dissapointed in love
Ispric'o mu o Almi i Mahiru,
He told him about Alma and Mahir
koju je volio plaho
which he loved shyly
Mills je plak'o ovako
Mills was crying like this
I can't belive this
I can't belive this
Allahume sorry
Allahume sorry
Tobe jarabi
Tobe jarabi
Evo Jaro kuca casti, bolan
Here you go, buddy, it's on the house
De s nama nazdravi, ajde
drink with us
(Hvalja vam puno
(Thanjk you a lot
nemoj se ti nista sikirati...
don't worry about anything
This is rakija...Is this rakija...
this is rakija (strong liquor)
evo jos jedna)
Here, another one
Vidi crnac p'jan k'o letva,
Look at the black man, drunk as hell
ovog u Labinu nema
you don't see something like this in Labin
Kaze Haso Hodi Suljo
Haso says: Go Suljo
jedva ga u auto ugur'o
I barely pushed him into the car
I to u Desh-ev Clio...
Into Desh's Clio (small model of car made by Renault)
Tu noc je Desh s njima pio
that night Desh was drinking with them
Mora ic' ranije - kaze
I must go earlier, he says
Edu napale prikaze
Edo was attacked by ghosts
Bam Bam...
Boom boom
Mills ne zna dje je...
Mills has no idea where he is
Vidi ELVISa sina
He sees Elvis, his son
Ima osmijeh blag,
he has tender smile
misli da sanja da je drunk
he thinks that he's dreaming that he's drunk
Al' sve je nekako realno,
but everything is somehow real
nekako pravo
somewhat real
Mali se poce derat'
little one starts to scream
Evo ga, pjobudio se...
Look, he's awake
isti cokolada
He's just as chocholate
Haso rece sinu
Haso says to his son
pusti co'jeka nek spava
Leave the man alone, let him sleep
Gut'n Morgen
Gut'n Morgen (Good morning in broken German)
ti se sinoc napio care
you got drunk yesterday
Ich bin kurac,
Ich bin Haso... damn
ne konta ovaj crnac
this black man does not understand me
Mills se dize, skonta,
Mills gets up, he realizes
pobijeli tj. posivi
he gets pale white, that is, grey
On je kod Fate,
he's at the Fata's place
ma jel' 'vo ovdje zivi
Does this live here?
Al' Fate nema,
But Fata is not around
srecom Fata je na poslu
luckily Fata is at work
Misli Ukrascu sina...
He thinks to himself: I will steal the kid
s njime napustit' Bosnu
Leave Bosnia together with him
Ipak je pametan Mills.
But Mills is smart man
Covjek ima fakultet
He has a graduate degree
Ljubav ne mozes kupit'.
You can't buy love
Ljubav ne mozes otet'
You can't kidnap love
Kaze Hasi Thank You...
He says to Haso: Thank you
Moram ic'...Adio
I must go, goodbye
Kaze mu Haso
Haso answers
Ma nije tenk bolan, bio je Clio
It's not a tank, it was a clio
Zagrli on Hasu i ELVISa izljubi
He hugs Haso, kisses Elvis
Fata je na poslu
Fata is at work
i on se kod nje u bazu uputi
he goes to here to the base
Ispric'o je Fati sve sto je bilo
He tells her everything what happened
Kol'ko je plak'o i pio,
how much he cried, how much he drank
i sve sto je napravit' htio
and everything that he wanted to do
Vi ste jedno za drugo,
You are made fo ane another
Now I must leave
Now I must leave
Pamticu te Baby,
I will remember you baby,
Fato dok sam ziv
Fata, as long as I'm alive
Sazali se Fata,
Fata starts to feel sorry for him
ipak je on ELVISov stari
he's still Elvis' old man after all
Ne moraju to saznati ni Haso ni mali
no need that
Haso and the kid find out about it
Haso and the kid find out about it
Mills je bilo drago,
Mills was happy
kad je rekla da ce malog
when she said that she will
Tu i tamo kad poraste
when the kid grows up from time to time
slati kod njeg' u Chicago
send him to Chicago
Plan je bio lagan,
It was a simple plan
on ce postat' Hasin jaran
he will become buddy of Haso
Bice kucni prijatelj,
He will be family friend
pa nece biti Bad
and it will not be bad (everything will be ok)
I tako je i bilo,
And that's how it was
cesto ih je posjeciv'o
he was visiting them often
Niko nista nije nasluciv'o
noone suspected anything
i bilo je divno
and it was beautiful
I to bi' to Happy End prica nasa
And that would be happy end of our story
I Haso i Mills imaju sina
and Haso and Mills have a son
a Bosna kosarkasa
and Bosnia has a basketball player
Last second... here goes Elvis for three points
A and he scoooores... we are world champions... world champions
here is Iverson, he is crying... all America is crying
who gives a ****, let them cry... we are celebrating
elvis 64 points... our government promised Elvis
elvis 64 points... our government promised Elvis
apartment in Zivinice if he scores over 50
apartment in Zivinice if he scores over 50
and here he is... here he is...thank you mother... thank you father
and here he is... here he is...thank you mother... thank you father