Translation of the song Mahir i Alma artist Edo Maajka


Mahir i Alma

English translation

Mahir & Alma

Ljubav, ljubav je smisao života.

Love, love is the meaning of life

Priča mi čovjek za šankom dok cigaru mota.

A man told me, while he was wrapping a cigarette

Ljepota njena se ne može ni s čim mjerit

Her beauty can not be compared to anything

reče mi krvavih očiju i ode rakiju potegnit.

he said with bloody eyes and went to drink up a rakija

Zove se Alma i sjedila je sama u klupi

Her name is Alma and she was sitting alone on a bench

ja joj prosu neki fazon glupi.

I told her a stupid joke.

Reko Dje si curo zgodna ona kaže da me pozna

Said What's up hot chick she said she knew me

ti si Mahir osmi dva već te dugo gledam ja.

you are Mahir VIII2 I've been watching you for a long time.

Bilo je pola dva April peti Mahir se sjeti.

It was half past one, fifth of April Mahir remembered.

Odmah smo se zaljubili i pred svima poljubili

We fell in love at the spot and kissed in front of everybody.

hodali smo školom držali se za ruku

We walked around the school holding hands

djelili istu klupu i užinu, imali istu družinu.

shared the same bench and lunch, had the same friends.

Istu srednju školu, s njom sam pjevo u horu

Went to the same high school, I sang with her in choir

izigravo foru, vozili se na mom motoru.

played around, we drove on my bike

Ja, Alma i Tomos imali smo mali kosmos

Me, Alma and Tomos had the same cosmos

svoje drvo uz Savu, stotinu djece u planu.

our tree by the Sava, a hundred children in a plan.

Svoje pjesmu, svoje priče, naša hrana naše piće

Our song, our stories, our food our drink

naše zvijezde i nas grad, sjećam se ko sad.

our stars and our town, I remember like it was yesterday.

Rekla je Mahire bojim se pazi da me ne boli.

She said Mahir I'm scared, be careful not to hurt me.

Bojo sam se i ja al sam znao da me pravo voli.

I was also scared but I knew that her love was true.

Ja i Alma goli i njoj i meni prvi puta

Me and Alma naked and first time for us both

bilo je ljeto i Ficibajr naše drvo pored puta.

It was summer and Ficibajr* our tree by the road.

Nikad neću zaboravit taj miris trave

I will never forget that smell of grass

u očima zvjezde kako sjaje topli vjetar sa Save.

stars shining in eyes, warm wind from Sava.

Taj dim cigare moj izgubljeni pogled.

That cigarrette smoke, my lost look

Jednog dana bit ću ti zena a ti moj čovjek.

One day I will be your wife and you will be my man.

Konobar, daj još jednu ja izvadi siće

Waiter, bring another one, I took out some change

donesi Mahiru piće da ćujem ostatak ove priče

bring a drink to Mahir so that I can hear the rest of the story

On svoj konjak sastavi pa priču meni nastavi

He drank up his cognac and continued with the story

Almini starci su bili na rastavi.

Alma's parents were getting a divorce.

Nije mogla više trpit non stop svađe

She couldn't handle their non-stop arguments any more.

pa je kod mene živila rađe dok se sama negdje ne snadje.

so she preferred living with me until she could live on her own.

Međutim to se odužilo na jedno dvije godine

However, that lasted for about two years

pa smo prešli u stan kod moje bližnje rodbine.

so we moved to my close relatives' apartment

Reko hajmo se oženit datum svadbe 3. Maj

I said lets get married date of the wedding 3rd May

na svadbu ćemo pozvat cijeli naš kraj..

we will invite all our neighborhood to the party...

tu je bio kraj.

that was the end.

Dan prije vjenčanja došlo je do sranja

A day before the wedding, s**t happened

ona bila je kod matere tam će dočekat svatove.

she was at her mother's waiting for the wedding crowd

Al umjesto svatova, ljudi pale su granate

But instead of the wedding crowd, guys, grenades crashed

pobjegla je s materom kod svoje tetke Fate

she escaped with her mother to her aunt Fata

Svi znate, bila je panika spasi živu glavu

You all know, there was panic, run for your life

ja sam preplivo Savu im'o sreću pravu.

I swam over Sava, was really lucky

Probo sam je nazvat međutim pukle su veze

I tried to call her but connections were broken

Alma je mrtva, Alma je mrtva! to su bile riječi Kreze.

Alma is dead, Alma is dead! those were the words of Kreza.

Krezo lažeš, lažeš Krezo jebaću ti sve

Kreza, you're lying, you're lying Kreza I will kill you

Ne lazem Mahire, matere mi, evo pitaj Alije

I'm not lying Mahir, I swear on my mother, come on ask Alija

Alija reci nešto ljudi nemojte me sad zajebavat

Alija say something, don't f**k with me people

vidio sam kako je pala kad je posla pretrčavat

I saw her fall when she started to run over

i mrtva je 100 % jer ja sam zadnji osto

and she is 100% dead because I stayed last

poginuli su još dvojica sto sam ih bio po nju poslo.

two others that I'd sent for her also died

Bez zraka sam osto sedam dana nisam mogo jest

I remained without a breath and couldn't eat for seven days

čeko sam svaki dan da neko kaze neku vijest

I waited every day for someone to tell me some news

al ništa ni vijesti ni života u meni

but nothing, no news, nor life in me

samo alkohol u mojoj veni i sjećanje o jednoj zeni...

just alcohol in my veins and a memory of a woman...

Otiso sam u Njemačku i počeo tam radit

I went to Germany and started working there

reko lakse ću je zaboravit i malo ću se oporavit.

I thought it would be easier to forget her and to get a little better

Dan za danom 12 sati dnevno radio sam vrijedno

I worked hard, day by day 12 hours a

poso i rad samo da zaboravim na rat.

the job and working just to forget about the war.

Godine su prolazile i naniza ih se već 6

Years were passing and 6 had already gone by

završen je rat u Bosni je to već stara vijest.

the war in Bosnia was over and it was already old news.

Sta ću dole, nemam ništa, tu sam sebi zivot stvorio

What can I do down there, I have nothing, I've created a life for myself here

ma hajmo dole na par dana moj frend me nagovorio.

come on, let's go down there for a few days, a friend of mine talked me into it

Došo sam dole i bilo je sve u najboljem redu

I came down there and it was all in perfect order

dok nisam sreo koga - pa Alminog rođaka Vedu

until I met, guess who - well Alma's cousin Veda

Dje si Mahire? Dje si Vedo?

What's up Mahir? What's up Veda?

Evo kaze bas sam sada kod Alme kreno.

Here, I was just on my way to Alma's, he said.

Zar si šeno Vedo, šta me zezaš?

Have you lost your mind Veda, are you pulling my leg?

Pa Alma je živa, šta ti ni ne znaš?

Well Alma is alive, don't you know?

Noge mi se odrezaše i sve slike nase došle mi na oči

My legs were like jelly and all the pictures of us flashed in front of my eyes

Vodime me Vedo moram do nje doći.

Take me Veda, I have to go to her.

Neće moći.

No can do.

Reko Molim?

I said What?

Kaze Pa Alma se udala za Kebu s njime čeka bebu

He said Well Alma got married to Keba and she's expecting his baby

i to drugu, prošle godine mu je rodila curu.

and that is a second one, last year she gave birth to a girl.

Dade mi broj telefona odma sam je bio nazvo.

He gave me her phone number and I called her immediately.

Reko Halo, Alma, izvini jebiga nisam ni ja znao.

I said Hello Alma, sorry for f**k's sake I didn't even know

Tako poče razgovor 2 sata smo plakali, jedno drugom se jadali, dok smo zajedno razgovarali.

Then the convo started we weeped for two hours, cried to each other, while we were talking to each other.

Izvini Mahire takva je sudbina bila

Sorry Mahir that was the destiny

ako ti ista znači kćer mi se sad zove Mahira.

if it means anything to you, my daughter's name is Mahira.

Nisam znala dje si nisi mi se javljo udala sam se za Kebu

I didn't know where you were you didn't call me so I married Keba

i sad ga volim ono pravo plaho, hajde zdravo.

I still love him truly, passionately, so bye.

Zdravo, vidimo se sutra.

Bye, see you tomorrow.

Evo sad sam tu konobar daj nam sad jos jednu ljutu.

So here I am now, waiter give us another spirit

Pa reko Šta ćes sad hoćes se ić nać sutra?

So I said What you gonna do now, will you meet her tomorra?

Sjedi Edo pit ćemo do jutra. kapnu suza ljuta.

Sit Edo we will drink till dawn. a hot tear dropped.

Diže se on kaze 'Izvinite ljudi, odoh ja sad pišat

He got up and said Sorry people, I'm gone to pee

začu se pucanj i sva raja poče vrištat.

we heard a shot and entire crowd started screaming

Izletio sam odma da vidim šta je to

I ran outside to see what was that

Mercedes krvavi, pištolj - i Mahir se je ubio..

Bloody Mercedes, a gun - and Mahir had killed himself..

...ubi se čovjek a bio mlad...

.. the man killed himself and he was still young...

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