Hej, nemoj jebat me
Hey, don't fuck with me
jednog dana, kada tada,
One day, I don't know when,
ja ću sjebat' te
I'll fuck you up
Sve se vraća, sve se plaća, majmune
Everything gets paid back, monkey-ass
jebat' ću ti mater
I'll fuck your mother*
za dvije, tri godine
in two or three years
Svi ste vi budale,
All of you are fools,
svi ste jebene budale
all of you are fucking fools!
govorio je svojim vršnjacima
That's what little Sale
mali Sale
was telling to his coevals
Jebo klikere, video igre
Fuck marbles, video games
ja odo' krast', neću k'o vi
I'm gonna steal, I won't get fat
tu skupljati mast
here like you!
S 13 godina u guzi
Thirteen years old and he's poppin the ass
već je kar'o u kuruzi
He already fucked girls in the cornfields
i Almu, i Vesnu i rodicu Idu
He fucked Alma and Vesna and cousin Ida
iš'o na mjesta di samo odrasli idu
He was going to places where only adults went
Uvijek sluš'o, uvijek šmek'o
Always listening, always checking
kad je neko nešto rek'o
When somebody said something
pa kopir'o u jarku svakome vršnjaku
And he copied that to every coeval in the ditch
Krao pare, djelio šamare,
Stealing money, giving slaps,
nosio marame na glavi
wearing rags on his head
oko mu poplavi
His eye turned blue
kad ga drukaju mami i tati
when they told him to his parents
stari ga je znao da prati
His dad used to follow him
Kad' ide u školu
To school
al' on je imao foru
But he was smart
pa bjež'o na odmoru
So during the break he would run away
sa ekipom na motoru
with his guys on the bike
Visio po gradu i prodav'o cigle
Hanging around town and selling bricks*
pa ga istuk'o Mile
So Mile kicked his ass
jer mu zajebav'o brata
because he was fucking with his broher
ukr'o mu lanac s vrata
He stole a chain from his neck
što mu je dao tata
which his dad gave him
Sale nije plak'o tako lako
Sale didn't cry so easily
već rek'o ovako:
That's what he said:
od sad pa na dalje i ubuduće
From now on,
zapisat' ću na papir
I'm gonna write on paper
svakoga ko me istuče
everyone who beats me up
Evo, prvi su mi ovdje
The first guys on the list
ovaj Mile i Muće
are these Mile and Muće
on mi je prijetio juče
He threatened me yesterday
kad sam mu piš'o pored kuće
when I pissed next to his house
Bilo je vruće ljeto 85-o
It was a hot summer of '85
Sale krao, svakom srao
Sale was stealing and shitting everybody
nije znao da ga prate murjaci
He didn't know that cops follow him
i da ga drukaju znanci
and that his acquaintances are telling them what he did
Zlaja, Moke, zbog koke
Zlaja and Moke, because of a chick
al' ne one bijele
But not the peeping one
već zbog Mirele, Moketove trebe
It was because of Mirela, Moke's babe,
što ju je išamar'o
who he slapped
i što ju natjer'o da mu popuši
and made suck his dick
Rek'o da će da je uguši
He told her that he would choke her
sasiječe na komade
and cut her into pieces
ako se istina slučajno saznade
if anyone found out the truth
Al' Moke to zna, zna i murija
But Moke knows that, cops know that
zna i sudija
and judge who
što je izd'o nalog
issued a warrant
zatvoriše Saleta malog
They convinced little Sale
U zatvoru je naučio sve i svašta
He learned a lot of stuff in prison
a najvažnije je ono
But the most important lesson was:
da se nikom nikad ne prašta
Never forgive anything and never forgive anybody!
Nekol'ko tetovaža
Couple of tattoos,
stariji, luđi, jači
older, crazier, stronger
bojali su ga se svi igrači
All the players were afraid of him
Cijeli zatvor, čak i čuvari
Whole prison, even the guards
znali su kako stoje stvari
knew who was the boss
da je lud, ustvari
Actually, he was crazy
psiholozi su bili stari
But psychologists were old
Popušili foru, poslije 5 godina
So they bought it, after 5 years
Sale opet na motoru
Sale is on the bike again
tol'ko dugo je ovo planir'o, ček'o
He was planning and waiting for it so long
nikom ništa nije rek'o
He didn't tell anything to anybody
Nikad nije bio ljući
He has never been madder,
išao kući, crnu listu izvući
he was going home to take out the black list,
navuć' vojno odijelo i čizme
to put on the military suit and boots
pročito prvo ime i ponavlj'o
He read the first name and kept repeating:
Kalašnjikov u ruksaku,
AK-47 in the backpack
bombe, puni okviri
bombs, full clips
niko neće da prezivi
No one is going to survive
za sve su oni krivi
it's all their fault
Uz Jebem li ti majku, Muće
While yelling: Muće, you motherfucker!
prvi rafal puče
first burst started
i to točno tamo pored njegove kuće
right next to his house
gdje je često piš'o
where he often used to piss
najeb'o je i Mišo
Mišo got killed, too
jer je slučajno tuda naiš'o
he accidentaly passed by
I Hora zvani Ludi i još 20 ljudi
And Hora a.k.a. Crazy and 20 more people
koji su pili gore
who were drinking
u onoj Anđinoj vili
in Anđa's villa
svi su oni bili
each one of them was
na Saletovoj listi nedjela
on Sale's list of misdeeds
Među njima Moke, Mirela
Moke and Mirela were on it, too
njihov mali sin
their little son
tek je prohod'o
who just walked
Sale ga ubi, pogleda mrtvo tijelo
Sale killed him, looked at his dead body
i reče, ja sad odoh
and said: I'm gonna go now
Još je samo Mile ost'o
Only Mile was left,
nas'o ga u parku
he found him in the park
gdje klinci igraju košarku
where kids play basketball
balavi neku starku
he was whimpering a sneaker
Jebem li vam majku, reče
Motherfucker, he said
Mile, tražim te
Mile, I've been looking for you
cijelo ovo krvavo veče
for this whole bloody evening
ispuc'o je dva okvira
He cracked two clips
obadva po njima
he spent both clips on them
eto, sad sam vam pokaz'o, svima
Here, now I showed all of you!
Hej, Sale, Sale
Hey, Sale, Sale!
nećeš više nikom' srat'
You're never gonna shit anybody anymore!
bio je to Miletov brat
It was Mile's brother
sad ga zovu Ludi Boris
Now they call him Crazy Boris
očito je i on im'o svoj popis
Obviously, he had his list too