Translation of the song Volim te artist Edo Maajka


Volim te

English translation

I love you

Kazes mi Volim te al' ja sam cuo te price

You say I love you but i've heard these stories before

Svaka druga to kaze kad joj platim pice

Every other girls says it after i've payed for her second

Ljubav dobije kad skupi koktel popije

drink You get love when an expensive cocktail is drunk

al' ko copi je, jer ko da je iz Etiopije, mrsavica

up, but she's like a copycat, a skinni girl like she's from

dala bi i glavu zivu da je vide kako sjedi s' ekipom u VIP-u

Ethiopia, She would give her head up, just to show em'

kako chill-a ne jebe niko po separe-u vidjela je cure kako rade u Carpe Diem-u

how she's sitting with the crew in the VIP

Na Hvar-u samo ga uhvati za karu on ti plati ljetovanje i obleku u ormaru

how she's chilling and not fucking anyone,

i ovde ima velikih kara al' daleko smo od Hvar-a,

she sees the girls, and how the do it in the Carpe Diem's

reperi nemaju para svaki je baraba

In Hvar, just grab him by the dick and he will pay

od sponzora su auti i nemamo lance, u Aquarius-u pijemo pivo i glumimo face

for your vacation and your wardrobe

dobro i nama sto ne bio u Vip-u,al' svaki zaradjen dinar picko trosim na ekipu

Here are still som big spenders, but we'r far from Hvar-a

Hoces gucci-E ja ti nemam pare

You want gucci, but i got no money

Hoces bling bling da ti u mraku sjaje

You want bling bling so you can shine in your dark

Hoces manolo ja hocu nove startke

You want manolo and i want a new start

Hoces pun' kurac toga ja ti nemam ni marke

You want a dick full off things but i dont got a cent

Volim te!..Aha...i ja tebe x4

I love you.. yeah.. and i you x4

Ona bi htjela uzivat u nakit-u a ja mogu ju samo nabit na kitu

She want to enjoy her jewelry,

otfurat u fast food ponekad u klub i platit joj pivo ako svira Well fast fud

but i want to en joy her on top of me

Al ona zeli kuci otpratim je kuci pa se pol ducan vratit se kuci

she wants to get down with fast food sometimes,

pravi se da ne kuzi da sam ja samo srecko-tuzni

and me to pay her beer if the well fast fud is up

da je mogu samo keksima posluzit

but she wants me to escort her home,

Ona voli luzit pila kuda zeli svuda ici do London-a Pariz-a pa na Fiji

and it results in the half club going home

a ja bi za trebo 100 kredita didji pa je mogu samo odvest na fundek u fici

she acts like she does't know im a lucky-boy

Ona sanja lisicu oko vrata cipele od krokodila sa Nil-a iza tog grada Mustanga

and that i can pay here of with my biscuits

al jos e Musava pa ne shvaca da ne mogu bit majmun koji sve to placa

and she loves the thought of going to all the places

Hoces gucci-E ja ti nemam pare

You want gucci, but i got no money

Hoces bling bling da ti u mraku sjaje

You want bling bling so you can shine in your dark

Hoces manolo ja hocu nove startke

You want manolo and i want a new start

Hoces pun' kurac toga ja ti nemam ni marke

You want a dick full off things but i dont got a cent

Hoces Ferrari e ja ti nemam pare

You want a Ferrari but i got no cash

Hoces Damjani da ti u mraku sjaje

You want diamonds to glow in the dark

Hoces JLo guzicu ja hocu nove startke

You want JLo's ass, and i want a new start

Hoces pun' kurac toga ja ti nemam ni marke

You want a dick full off things but i dont got a cent

Volim te!..Aha...i ja tebe 4x

I love you.. yeah.. and i you x4

Krivog gledas nemam ti ja kartice za peglaje

You looking for the wrong guy's,

jer nisam ti jedan od onih sto ti placaju spijanje

cause i don't got a no-limit card for you ass cause im not one

jebi ga ovdje nema crvenih tepiha

of these that are paying all your trips fuck it,

nema tog glamura nema slikanja i uzdaha

we dont got any red carpets here we got none of that big

nema viskova zao mi je da je tako

star glamour or papparazis

ovdje puno se radi a novac dolazi polako

we got none of those big things,

i ne kuzis ti to i gad mi je kad se fixa

im sorry that it's like that here everybody is working hard

samo kazes mi da me volis jer ulozila bih kiss

but the money comes slow but you dont get that,

ali zaboravi takve nikoga ne jebu

and im in pain when i have to do more for you

kazes ima se za shoping ali nema se za bebu

and you say you love me just

Ja nisam buducnost u tvojoj divnoj viziji

so you can take advantage of me,

I nisu svi bogati sto ih gledas na televiziji

you can forget it, nobody fucks people like that

Ti bogati te srede stara dok si rekla keks

you say you got money for shopping but nothing for the baby

pa i poznate manekenke naplacuju 'im sex

im not the future you see in your little fantasy bubble

Da je ljubav barem vrijeme pa da moze da se kupi

and not all of the people that you see on the television are rich

i da izgled dobro vara i da svi smo tako glupi

the rich one sort out the old ones faster than you can say cookie

i da na to imam para ti me ne bi ostavila

so all the famous models can get paid for sex

ali vjeruj ja bih tebe srce cim bi ostarila

when you cant find love, at least you can buy it

jer jedino sto znas je ganjat velike hlace

and that looks trick us and that we all are stupid

a ja nisam dobro stojeci osim kad popunim gace

and if i would have money on top of all this you would't leave me

Hoces Damjani e ja ti nemam kesa

You want Damjani but i got no cash

Hoces JLo guzicu tad' se bolje mjesa

You want JLo's ass cause it fits you better

Hoces Ferrari a ja bi samo nove gume

You want a Ferrari but i just want new tiers

Ti bi pun' kurac toga a ja ti nemam ni kune

You want a dick full off things but i dont got a cent

Volim Te ! .. da i ja tebe

I love you!. yeah and i you!

Volim te!..da da...i ja tebe

I love you! yeah yeah and i you!

Volim Te . aha i ja tebe

I love you! mhm.. and i you!

Volim te!..aha.. ko te jebe .

I love you! mhm who gives a shit.

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