Translation of the song 抉擇 artist George Lam

Chinese (Cantonese)


English translation


幾多往時夢 幾許心惆悵

Many dreams of past, many woes of heart

別了昔日家 萬里而去 心潮千百丈

Leaving my old home with heavy steps for a brand new start

收起往時夢 拋開心惆悵

All my dreams buried, all my sorrows thrown

任那海和山 助我尋遍 天涯各處鄉

Let the earth and sea help me to find a place I can call home

闖一番新世界 挺身發奮圖強

I'll forge a brave new world, succeed with honest toil

要將我根和苗 再種新土壤

I'll plant my roots and seeds in a new soil

就算受挫折也當平常 發揮抉擇力量

I won't waver in face of setbacks, I've decided to stand

再起我新門牆 似那家鄉樣

I'll build my new fortress, like in my homeland

闖一番新世界 挺身發奮圖強

I'll forge a brave new world, succeed with honest toil

要將我根和苗 再種新土壤

I'll plant my roots and seeds in a new soil

就算受挫折也當平常 發揮抉擇力量

I won't waver in face of setbacks, I've decided to stand

再起我新門牆 勝我舊家鄉

I'll build my new fortress, outshines my homeland

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