Translation of the song 难得有情人 artist Shirley Kwan
Happy are Those in Love
如早春初醒 催促我的心
Awaken one morning in the early spring, my heart is hastened.
It cannot wait any longer.
含情待放那岁月 空出了痴心
The harbored feelings over the years are ready to be liberated, exposing my craving heart.
Hope to cause that certain someone to be moved.
*幸福的光阴 它不会偏心
*The time of happiness will not be one-sided.
It will be divided and given to each heart.
情缘亦远亦近 将交错一生
Love is distant but also near, interlocking through one's life.
For those in love, love grows even more.
*甜蜜地与爱人 风里飞奔
*Sweetness is to be with a lover darting quickly in the wind.
高声欢呼你有情 不枉这生
Cheering exuberantly that you have love; this lifetime isn't futile.
一声你愿意 一声我愿意
One voice, you are willing to say; One voice, I am willing to say;
Heaven may be startled but our love will have no regrets.
*明月雾里照人 相爱相亲
*The bright moon illuminates through the fog onto those who are deeply in love with each other.
让对对的恋人 增添性感
Allowing the pair of lovers to heighten their attraction.
一些恋爱变恨 更多恋爱故事动人
A few affairs change to resentment, nevertheless numerous more love stories are touching,
(etching a sense of beauty to it all.)
Repeat*, ()
Repeat*, ()