Translations by the artist Wicked (Musical)
애도 따윈 없다 [No one Mourns the Wicked]
Wicked (Musical) -
비극의 시작 [No Good Deed]
Wicked (Musical) -
디파잉 그래비티 [Defying Gravity]
Wicked (Musical) -
自由を求めます [Defying Gravity]
Wicked (Musical) -
あなたを忘れません [For Good]
Wicked (Musical) -
Wie ich bin [For Good]
Wicked (Musical) -
Wat voel ik nou toch? [What is this Feeling?]
Wicked (Musical) -
Todo bem tem seu preço [No Good Deed]
Wicked (Musical) -
Sun Hetkeks Kun Sain [As Long As You're Mine]
Wicked (Musical) -
Solang Ich Dich Hab [As Long as You're Mine]
Wicked (Musical) -
Sal a bailar [Dancing through life]
Wicked (Musical) -
Popular [Popular]
Wicked (Musical) -
Painovoimaa murtamaan [Defying Gravity]
Wicked (Musical) -
No Soy Yo: Reprise [I’m Not That Girl: Reprise]
Wicked (Musical) -
No Hay Bien [No Good Deed]
Wicked (Musical) -
Mine vinger bærer [Defying Gravity (promo)]
Wicked (Musical) -
Mientras viva en ti [As Long As you're Mine]
Wicked (Musical) -
Marsch der Hexenjäger [March of the Witch Hunters]
Wicked (Musical) -
La ciudad esmeralda [One Short Day]
Wicked (Musical) -
Intet godt kan man gøre [No Good Deed]
Wicked (Musical) -
Ik lach om zwaartekracht [Defying Gravity]
Wicked (Musical) -
Ik ben het niet [I'm Not That Girl]
Wicked (Musical) -
Ich bin es nicht [I'm Not That Girl]
Wicked (Musical) -
Ich bin es nicht (Reprise) [I'm not that girl (Reprise)]
Wicked (Musical) -
Heißgeliebt [Popular]
Wicked (Musical) -
Frei und schwerelos [Defying Gravity]
Wicked (Musical) -
Finale (German) [Finale]
Wicked (Musical) -
Ein seelenvoller Mann [A Sentimental Man]
Wicked (Musical) -
Ei koskaan enää hyvää [No Good Deed]
Wicked (Musical) -
Die böse Hexe des Ostens [The Wicked Witch of the East]
Wicked (Musical) -
Der Zauberer und ich [The Wizard and I]
Wicked (Musical)