Translations by the artist The Prince of Egypt (OST)
Vše co jsem si přál mít [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Vjeruj U To [When You Believe]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Vitsaukset [The Plagues]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Verlos ons, Heer [Deliver Us]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Vem Libertar [Deliver Us]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Uwolnij nas [Deliver Us]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Tudo o Que Eu Queria (European Portuguese) [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Tudo o Que Eu Queria (Brazilian Portuguese) [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Tot el que volia [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Todo lo que quise (Latin Spanish) [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Todo lo que quiero (European Spanish) [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
To, co ukochałem [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Through Heaven's Eyes (Ukrainian Version)
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Tak vyveď nás [Deliver Us]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Sve što meni treba [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Stai cercando solo guai [Playing with the Big Boys]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Si tienes fe (European Spanish) [When You Believe]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Se crederai [When You Believe]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Plagi [The Plagues]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Plagerne [The Plagues]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Oly szép ez a világ [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Og fri oss ut [Deliver Us]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Nyt leikkiin lähdit aikuisten [Playing With the Big Boys]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Nozonda Mono Wa [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Når blot du tror [When You Believe]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Mirada celestial [Through Heaven's Eyes] (Latin American Spanish)
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Milagres São Reais [When You Believe]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Mert Ő küld száz csodát [When you believe]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Mám svet, čo si želám [All I Ever Wanted]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Liberte-Nos (Brazilian Portuguese) [Deliver Us]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Libéranos (European Spanish) [Deliver Us]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Le regard divin [Through heaven's eyes]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Le piaghe [The Plagues]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
Las plagas (Latin Spanish) [The Plagues]
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
La Llibertat Part 2 (Deliver Us Part 2)
The Prince of Egypt (OST) -
La Llibertat Part 1 (Deliver Us Part 1)
The Prince of Egypt (OST)